It’s no suprise we’re obsessed with testing here in the Arquillian Galaxy. We’re eternally interested in sharpening our testing weapons, learning about tools that advance the frontline against the bugs, and discovering all the deep, dark code caves where bugs try to hide from testers.
This year, Devoxx, one of the premier Java developer conferences, is bringing together a large group of testing experts. Listed below are just some of the labs, workshops, and BOFs being presented at Devoxx that will enhance your bug hunting skills.
Monday, November 12, 2012
NoSQLUnit. Testing Your NoSQL Databases.
Alex Soto, Tools in Action
Unit tests should follow the FIRST rules (Fast, Isolated, Repeatable, Self-Validated and Timely). When persistence layer is under test, fast and isolated rules are the most violated. For relational database management systems, embedded databases and DbUnit framework exist to help us to not break them, but there is no like DBUnit framework for heterogeneous NoSQL systems. More »
Blast Your WebApp with Galting
Stephane Landelle and Romain Sertelon, Tools in Action
Your application is going live tomorrow, the new marketing campaign is about to start, you enjoy a margarita, life is good. Yet something keeps bugging you, are you sure your webapp won’t crash down? “Damn, forgot about the stress tests!” Traffic grows, data grows, our applications have to withstand increasing loads, so stress tests are more and more of a critical issue. More »
The Bugs Are Building Another Death Star
Multi-framework, battle hardened testers including members of Ike’s Crew, BOF
The bugs are building another Death Star. What’s our invasion plan?
Bugs don’t rest when you go to sleep. In fact, you should worry most when they are left alone. They are tireless creatures, hard at work to destroy your home. In software, it’s no different. We are at constant war with bugs. News flash, the bugs are building another Death Star and we’re just standing by! Let’s plot an invasion plan during this moderated discussion on the topic of enterprise testing. More »
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
To ATDD and Beyond! Better Automated Acceptance Testing on the JVM
John Smart, University
Test Driven Development is a game changer for developers, but Automated Acceptance Testing (ATDD) is a game changer for the whole team! More than just a testing technique, Automated Acceptance Testing is both a collaboration tool and a vital step on the road to Continuous Delivery. In this talk, you will see a real-world demo applying practical ATDD techniques to real-world projects using JBehave, Selenium 2 and Thucydides. More »
Testacular – Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
Vojta Jina, Tools in Action
Introduction to Testacular – test runner that makes makes testing JavaScript applications in real browsers frictionless and enjoyable. More »
JUnit Rules
Jens Schauder, Tools in Action
We all know JUnit rulez. But do you know JUnit Rules? Rules are a not so well known feature of JUnit. They allow us to encapsulate setup and teardown in a reusable package. You can manipulate the way tests get executed as well. More »
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Testing Java Persistence Layer Done Right with Arquillian
Bartosz Majsak, Quickie
The Persistence Layer is one of the most crucial parts of enterprise applications, and we use many different frameworks and patterns to keep it clean. We write sophisticated queries and use optimization techniques to give our end users the greatest possible experience. So why is Persistence very often skipped in testing efforts? Is it really that complex and painful to setup? The Arquillian Persistence Extension removes that burden and boilerplate to make you a happy and productive programmer again. More »
Behaviour Driven Development on the JVM – A State of the Union
John Smart, Conference
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an increasingly popular variation on Test Driven Development, which helps developers think more about what they are testing, in terms of “executable specifications” rather than conventional tests. But there are dozens of BDD tools for the JVM out there: how do you know what to use, and when? More »
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Unitils: Full Stack Testing Solution for Enterprise Applications
Thomas De Rycke and Jeroen Horemans, Conference
Automated testing is the key to developing high quality software and maintainable codebases. How can we automate testing when data and database schemes are constantly evolving? How can we test infrastructure related components like automated e-mails without actually sending them? More »
Do You REST Assured?
Johan Haleby, Quickie
Today it’s easy to expose services as REST/HTTP with frameworks like Jersey and Spring but validating that the server actually behaves as expected can be cumbersome in Java. REST Assured is an open source Java DSL that allows you to avoid boiler-plate code to make requests and validate even complex responses in a simple manner. More »
JavaScript Unit Testing and Build Integration
Wouter Groeneveld, Conference
Unit testing has become very popular with the rise of test-first software development. Most enterprise applications contain only a small portion of javascript code, almost always completely untested. We have seen a steady increase of javascript code and frameworks lately, but for most people it’s still unclear how to (unit) test javascript, and most of all how to properly integrate these within your build environment next to other JUnit test cases. More »
Apache TomEE, Java EE 6 Web Profile on Tomcat
David Blevins, Conference
Apache TomEE is the Java EE 6 Web Profile certified version of Apache Tomcat and combines the simplicity of Tomcat with the power of Java EE. The first half of this session introduces TomEE and shows how Tomcat applications leveraging Java EE technologies can become simpler and lighter with a Java EE 6 certified solution built right on Tomcat. More »
Spock: Boldly Go Where No Test Has Gone Before
Andres Almiray, Quickie
Testing, testing, testing. We all know it has to be done but no one likes to do it. Enter Spock, a revolutionary way to writing (and thinking about) test code, that promises to wash away the pain and bring back the fun. More »
We look forword to hearing what testing tools, techniques and strategies you discover at Devoxx 2012.