Arquillian Portal Extension 1.0.0.Alpha2 Released

Since we wrote this post we didn't laze around. Check our latest announcement.

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.0.0.Alpha2 release of the Arquillian Portal Extension component!

The Portal extension for Arquillian brings testing into the world of Portlets!

Some of the highlights in this release

URL injection of portlets by name. @PortalURL now supports defining the names of the portlets that you want rendered on the page of the injected URL. You can either specify a single portlet name, multiple, or leave it empty and it will load all portlets defined within portlets.xml onto the page. Injecting a URL of a portlet page with the MyPortlet portlet present is done by:
URL portletPage;

Annotation for marking portlet tests. @PortalTest now represents a marker on a test class that signifies to Portal extension implementations that a portlet test is being invoked. This enables for augmenting the test deployment with whatever information is needed for particular portlet containers to enable a portlet to be tested. It has the added benefit of decoupling a test needing to inject a @PortalURL if the tests don’t require a URL to the portlet page.

Currently there are two implementations of this extension for use with Pluto and GateIn portal containers.

For examples on how to use these extensions with their respective portal containers, you can take a look at the testsuite of JBoss Portlet Bridge.

We look forward to hearing your feedback about this release in the community forums!

What is Arquillian?

Arquillian is open source software that empowers you to test JVM-based applications more effectively. Created to defend the software galaxy from bugs, Arquillian brings your test to the runtime so you can focus on testing your application's behavior rather than managing the runtime. Using Arquillian, you can develop a comprehensive suite of tests from the convenience of your IDE and run them in any IDE, build tool or continuous integration environment.

Release details

Component Arquillian Portal Extension
Version 1.0.0.Alpha2 view tag
Release date 2012-10-17
Released by Ken Finnigan
Compiled against

Published artifacts org.jboss.arquillian.extension

  • org.jboss.arquillian.extension » arquillian-portal-api jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.extension » arquillian-portal-spi jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.extension » arquillian-portal-impl jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.extension » arquillian-portal jar javadoc pom

Release notes and resolved issues 6

  • ARQ-1117 - Support Portal URL for specific portlet or several on a page
  • ARQ-961 - Error in README for the name of additional URL qualifier
  • ARQ-1115 - Introduce Portal depchain
  • ARQ-1116 - Change references of portal container to portlet container
  • ARQ-1151 - Update Portal Extension to Core 1.0.2.Final

Thanks to the following list of contributors: Ken Finnigan, Thomas Delhoménie

Arquillian Container Weld Root POM 1.0.0.CR4 Released

Since we wrote this post we didn't laze around. Check our latest announcement.

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.0.0.CR4 release of the Arquillian Container Weld Root POM component!

What is Arquillian?

Arquillian is open source software that empowers you to test JVM-based applications more effectively. Created to defend the software galaxy from bugs, Arquillian brings your test to the runtime so you can focus on testing your application's behavior rather than managing the runtime. Using Arquillian, you can develop a comprehensive suite of tests from the convenience of your IDE and run them in any IDE, build tool or continuous integration environment.

Release details

Component Arquillian Container Weld Root POM
Version 1.0.0.CR4 view tag
Release date 2012-10-17
Released by Aslak Knutsen
Compiled against

Published artifacts org.jboss.arquillian.container

  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-weld-ee-embedded-1.1 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-weld-se-embedded-1 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-weld-se-embedded-1.1 jar javadoc pom

Release notes and resolved issues 6

Feature Request
  • ARQ-753 - ShrinkWrapClassLoader does not find service provider in WAR
  • ARQ-817 - arquillian-weld-container does not build on Maven Default Profile
  • ARQ-818 - WebArchiveClassLoader only honors resource requests for Service files
  • ARQ-819 - Wrong criteria used for supplying Weld with WebArchiveClassLoader
  • ARQ-890 - WeldEEMockContainer does not clean up resources if the deployment fails

Thanks to the following list of contributors: Jozef Hartinger, Aslak Knutsen, Martin Kouba, Andrew Lee Rubinger

Arquillian OSGi 1.0.3.CR1 Released

Since we wrote this post we didn't laze around. Check our latest announcement.

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.0.3.CR1 release of the Arquillian OSGi component!

What is Arquillian OSGi?

ShrinkWrap is the simplest way to create archives in Java. Using the fluent and intuitive ShrinkWrap API, developers may assemble JARs, WARs, and EARs to be deployed directly by Arquillian during testing.

Release details

Component Arquillian OSGi
Version 1.0.3.CR1 view tag
Release date 2012-10-16
Released by Thomas Diesler
Compiled against

Published artifacts org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher

  • org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher » arquillian-testenricher-osgi jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.protocol » arquillian-protocol-osgi jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-container-osgi jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-container-osgi-embedded jar javadoc pom

Thanks to the following list of contributors: Thomas Diesler

ShrinkWrap 1.1.0 Released

Since we wrote this post we didn't laze around. Check our latest announcement.

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.1.0 release of the ShrinkWrap component!

What is ShrinkWrap?

ShrinkWrap is the simplest way to create archives in Java. Using the fluent and intuitive ShrinkWrap API, developers may assemble JARs, WARs, and EARs to be deployed directly by Arquillian during testing.

Release details

Component ShrinkWrap
Version 1.1.0 view tag
Release date 2012-10-02
Released by Andrew Lee Rubinger
Compiled against
  • JUnit – 4.8.2

Published artifacts org.jboss.shrinkwrap

  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-api jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-api-nio2 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-bom pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-depchain pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-depchain-java7 pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-impl-base jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-impl-nio2 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.shrinkwrap » shrinkwrap-spi jar javadoc pom

Release notes and resolved issues 1


Thanks to the following list of contributors: Andrew Lee Rubinger

Arquillian Tomcat Container 1.0.0.CR4 Released

Since we wrote this post we didn't laze around. Check our latest announcement.

The Arquillian team is proud to announce the 1.0.0.CR4 release of the Arquillian Tomcat Container component!

Some of the highlights in this release

Support for nice multiline/pretty formatting of JVM-argument configuration. Additionally, you can use quotes to provide values containing spaces.

<property name="javaVmArguments">
  -Xms512m -Xmx512m
  " your/keystore"

Embedded Tomcat 7 is now capable of protected WAR deployment (this is usual in typical standalone server), thus some standard deployment features are now available even for embedded use, e.g.:

  • Deployment of an archive named “ROOT.war” to the default context “/”
  • Proper processing of “META-INF/context.xml” if present in the WAR.

What is Arquillian?

Arquillian is open source software that empowers you to test JVM-based applications more effectively. Created to defend the software galaxy from bugs, Arquillian brings your test to the runtime so you can focus on testing your application's behavior rather than managing the runtime. Using Arquillian, you can develop a comprehensive suite of tests from the convenience of your IDE and run them in any IDE, build tool or continuous integration environment.

Release details

Component Arquillian Tomcat Container
Version 1.0.0.CR4 view tag
Release date 2012-09-24
Released by Aslak Knutsen
Compiled against

Published artifacts org.jboss.arquillian.container

  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-common jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-managed-5.5 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-embedded-6 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-remote-6 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-managed-6 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-embedded-7 jar javadoc pom
  • org.jboss.arquillian.container » arquillian-tomcat-managed-7 jar javadoc pom

Release notes and resolved issues 4

Small bugfix release

  • ARQ-548 - Unable to set custom Loader for Tomcat 7 Embedded container
  • ARQ-1044 - The properties of tomcat container configuration in arquillian.xml are not parsed properly
  • ARQ-1051 - Arquillian Container Tomcat test dependency weld-servlet is not available in Maven Central

Thanks to the following list of contributors: Aslak Knutsen, Tomas Repel, Ian Brandt