Build Status

1.0.0.Alpha7 breaks incompatibility with previous versions in some cases. The major difference is that instead of using the boot2docker keyword to refer to the auto resolved boot2docker ip in the serverUri parameter, you should now used dockerHost.
1.0.0.Alpha13 changes default format from Cube to Docker Compose. In case you are using Cube format you need to update arquillian.xml with <property name="definitionFormat">CUBE</property>

1. What is this?

Arquillian Cube is an Arquillian extension that can be used to manager Docker containers from Arquillian.

Extension is named Cube for two reasons:

  • Because Docker is like a cube

  • Because Borg starship is named cube and well because we are moving tests close to production we can say that "any resistance is futile, bugs will be assimilated".

With this extension you can start a Docker container with a server installed, deploy the required deployable file within it and execute Arquillian tests.

The key point here is that if Docker is used as deployable platform in production, your tests are executed in a the same container as it will be in production, so your tests are even more real than before.

But it also lets you start a container with every required service like database, mail server, …​ and instead of stubbing or using fake objects your tests can use real servers.

This extension has been developed and tested on a Linux machine with the Docker server already installed. It works with Boot2Docker as well in Windows and MacOS machines, but some parameters like host ip must be the Boot2Docker server instead of localhost (in case you have Docker server installed inside your own machine).

One of the best resources to learn about why using Boot2Docker is different from using Docker in Linux can be read here

2. Preliminaries

Arquillian Cube relies on docker-java API.

To use Arquillian Cube you need a Docker daemon running on a computer (it can be local or not), but probably it will be at local.

By default the Docker server uses UNIX sockets for communicating with the Docker client. Arquillian Cube will attempt to detect the operating system it is running on and either set docker-java to use UNIX socket on Linux or to Boot2Docker on Windows/Mac as the default URI.

Further in case of Linux, if you want to use TCP/IP to connect to the Docker server, you’ll need to make sure that your Docker server is listening on TCP port. To allow Docker server to use TCP set the Docker daemon options, the exact process for which varies by the way you launch the Docker daemon and/or the underlying OS:

  • systemd (Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Fedora, Archlinux) — edit docker.service and change the ExecStart value

    To change the value of an option, ExecStart in this case, do the following:

    $ sudo systemctl edit docker

    This will create the necessary directory structure under /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d and open an editor (using the default editor configured for the user) to the override file. Add the section below into the editor:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock

    It was necessary to clear out ExecStart using ExecStart= before setting it to the override value. This is only required for some options and most options in the configuration file would not need to be cleared like this. Using systemctl edit also ensures that the override settings are loaded.

  • upstart (Ubuntu 14.04 and older versions) — set DOCKER_OPTS in /etc/default/docker

    DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
  • In case of Fedora distribution docker installed on Fedora - set OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/docker

    OPTIONS='-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock'

After restarting the Docker daemon you need to make sure that Docker is up and listening on TCP.

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart docker
$ docker -H tcp:// version

Client version: 0.8.0
Go version (client): go1.2
Git commit (client): cc3a8c8
Server version: 1.2.0
Git commit (server): fa7b24f
Go version (server): go1.3.1

If you cannot see the client and server versions then it means that something is wrong with the Docker installation.

3. Basic Example

After having a Docker server installed we can start using Arquillian Cube. In this case we are going to use a very simple example using a Docker image with Apache Tomcat and we are going to test a Servlet on it.
public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet {

  protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
    PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
    writer.println("Hello World");
public class HelloWorldServletTest {

  @Deployment(testable=false) (1)
  public static WebArchive create() {
    return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "hello.war").addClass(HelloWorldServlet.class); (2)

  public void should_parse_and_load_configuration_file(@ArquillianResource URL resource) throws IOException { (3)

    URL obj = new URL(resource, "HelloWorld");
    HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
    String inputLine;
    StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

    while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

    assertThat(response.toString(), is("Hello World"));(4)
1 In this case we are running the test as a client. So in fact this test is executed against the container instead of inside the container.
2 No changes in this part, we need to create a deployable file, and because we are testing against Tomcat, a war file is created.
3 Because the test is run as client, we can use @ArquillianResource to get the URL where the file is deployed. Note that this will be the URL to access Tomcat running inside the Docker container.
4 Typical jUnit assertion of servlet response.

Now this test could be run in any container, there is nothing that ties this to Docker. Next step is adding some dependencies apart from the typical Arquillian dependencies.

  <artifactId>arquillian-cube-docker</artifactId> (1)

  <artifactId>arquillian-tomcat-remote-7</artifactId> (2)
1 Adds Arquillian Cube dependency.
2 From the point of view of Arquillian, Tomcat is being executed in a remote host (in fact this is true because Tomcat is running inside Docker which is external to Arquillian), so we need to add the remote adapter.

And finally we need to configure Tomcat remote adapter and Arquillian Cube in arquillian.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="docker"> (1)
      <property name="serverVersion">1.12</property> (2)
      <property name="serverUri">http://localhost:2375</property> (3)
      <property name="definitionFormat">CUBE</property>
      <property name="dockerContainers"> (4)
            image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
            exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
              strategy: polling
            env: [TOMCAT_PASS=mypass,]
            portBindings: [8089/tcp, 8080/tcp]

  <container qualifier="tomcat" default="true"> (5)
          <property name="host">localhost</property> (6)
          <property name="httpPort">8080</property> (7)
          <property name="user">admin</property> (8)
          <property name="pass">mypass</property>

1 Arquillian Cube extension is registered.
2 Docker server version is required.
3 Docker server URI is required. In case you are using a remote Docker host or Boot2Docker here you need to set the remote host ip, but in this case Docker server is on same machine.
4 A Docker container contains a lot of parameters that can be configured. To avoid having to create one XML property for each one, a YAML content can be embedded directly as property.
5 Configuration of Tomcat remote adapter. Cube will start the Docker container when it is ran in the same context as an Arquillian container with the same name.
6 Host can be localhost because there is a port forwarding between container and Docker server.
7 Port is exposed as well.
8 User and password are required to deploy the war file to remote Tomcat.

Notice that in this case you are using CUBE format as orchestration definition but you’ll see in next sections that you can use docker_compose too. Read more at Configuration section and Docker-Compose Format.

And that’s all. Now you can run your test and you will see how tutum/tomcat:7.0 image is downloaded and started. Ports 8080 (Tomcat standard port) and 8089(JMX port used by Arquillian) are exposed. Finally in env section, environment variables are set. Read next link to understand why this is required

4. Standalone Example

In previous example you have seen how to to start a Docker container, deploy an Shrinkwrap element using @Deployment to finally execute the test inside Docker container, get the results and stops everything.

But this is not the only way of using Arquillian Cube. Sometimes you already have your container image created and you want to test that it starts, that exposes correctly the ports and of course that for example the deployment file is in the correct place. This is known as Container tests. Notice that in this case you don’t need @Deployment method since the image is already created and you don’t want to modify anything. The only thin g that you want is start the container, run the test (as client) and if everything works, then just stop the container.

Let’s see how to do it:

First major change is in dependencies:

        <artifactId>arquillian-junit-standalone</artifactId> (1)
1 Instead of setting a container, you set arquillian in standalone mode

Than you can define in your arquillian.xml or docker-compose.xml containers. For example:

      file: ../docker-compose.yml
      service: planets
  image: lordofthejars/starwars:1.0.1 #1

<1>Image with WAR file already bundled inside server

And finally the test:
public class PlanetServiceAPIContainerTest {

    private String ip;

    @HostPort(containerName = "planetstest", value = 8080)
    int planetsPort;

    public void shouldReturnAverage() {
        URL url = new URL("http://" + ip + ":" + planetsPort + "/starwars/");
        final String average = RestAssured.get(url.toExternalForm() + "rest/planet/orbital/average").asString();
        assertThat(average, is("1699.42"));

Notice that in this case there is no @Deployment method because the full application is already bundled in the docker image that is being used. This test basically validates that the image can be started, and finally that from outside you can communicate with it and it returns something valid.

5. Arquillian Cube BOM - Unified Dependencies

This aims to fulfill requirements of unify naming & versions.

5.1. Usage

Include the following snippet in your pom.xml file:



Then include the individual modules as you see fit, by simply depending on the unified pom name:


5.2. Available Modules:

5.2.1. Arquillian Cube API


5.2.2. Arquillian Cube SPI


5.2.3. Arquillian Cube Core


5.2.4. Arquillian Cube Containerless


5.2.5. Arquillian Cube Requirement


5.2.6. Arquillian Cube Docker


5.2.7. Arquillian Cube Docker Starter (Single Unified Dependency for Cube Docker in Standalone Mode)


5.2.8. Arquillian Cube Docker Junit Rule


5.2.9. Arquillian Cube Docker Drone


5.2.10. Arquillian Cube Docker Restassured


5.2.11. Arquillian Cube Docker Reporter


5.2.12. Docker Java AssertJ


5.2.13. Arquillian Cube Kubernetes


5.2.14. Arquillian Cube Kubernetes Starter (Single Unified Dependency for Cube Kubernetes in Standalone Mode)


5.2.15. Arquillian Cube Kubernetes Reporter


5.2.16. Arquillian Cube Kubernetes Fabric8


5.2.17. Arquillian Cube Openshift


5.2.18. Arquillian Cube Openshift Starter (Single Unified Dependency for Cube OpenShift in Standalone Mode)


6. Configuration

Arquillian Cube requires some parameters to be configured, some related with Docker server and others related on the image that is being used. Let’s see valid attributes:


Version of REST API provided by Docker server. You should check on the Docker site which version of REST API is shipped inside installed Docker service. This field is not mandatory and if it’s not set the default provided version from docker-java will be used.


Uri of Docker server. If the Docker server is running natively on Linux then this will be an URI pointing to localhost docker host but if you are using Boot2Docker or a remote Docker server then the URI should be changed to point to the Docker remote URI. It can be a unix socket URI as well in case you are running Docker on Linux (unix:///var/run/docker.sock). If the URI has http:// or https:// scheme, the tlsVerify attribute will be set by Cube to false or true respectively. Also you can read at this section about automatic resolution of serverUri parameter. Also you can use DOCKER_HOST java property or system environment to set this parameter.


Sets the location of Docker registry. Default value is the official Docker registry located at


Sets the username to connect to Docker registry.


Sets the password to connect to Docker registry.


Each Docker image (or container) can be configured with different parameters. This configuration is provided in YAML format. This property can be used to embed as YAML string value, all configuration.


Instead of embedding YAML as a string, you can set the location of a YAML file with this attribute. The location can be a relative from the root of the project or also a URI that is converted to URL so you can effectively have docker definitions on remote sites.


You can set a list of locations separated by comma. These locations follow the same rules as dockerContainersFile so it can be a file or an URI. This property can be used to append the definitions from several files.


Rather than embedding YAML as a string, or specifying a path on the filesystem, you can specify a file containing the container definitions on the java classpath. This allows you to avoid dealing with complex relative paths if sharing definitions between multiple modules.


Sets the format of content expressed in dockerContainers attribute or in file set in dockerContainersFile. It can contain two possible values CUBE to indicate that content is written following Arquillian Cube format or COMPOSE (default one in case of not set) to indicate that content is written following Docker Compose format.


In case you are using COMPOSE format, you cannot configure cube custom properties like await or beforeStop. This property allows you to add them in already defined containers.


Cube will normally start a Docker container when it has the same name as an active Arquillian container and all the containers defined as links to this container, so basically Cube resolves all the container dependencies as well e.g. a database where the application saves data, or mail server where application sends an email. That works for things that are DeployableContainer's. In case of defining networks instead of links, Cube will start only all the containers that belongs to a network defined inside definition file. For any other container services that might not have a link to the DeployableContainer, e.g. a monitor, you can use the autoStartContainers option to define which Docker containers to automatically start up. The option takes a comma separated list of Docker container ids. e.g. monitor. Arquillian Cube will attempt to start the containers in parallel if possible as well as start any linked containers. Also if you need to start several images, instead of adding them as CSV, you can use a regular expression by prefixing with regexp:, for example setting the property to regexp:a(.*) would start all container ids starting with a, or you can add a custom implementation of org.arquillian.cube.spi.AutoStartParser by using reserved word custom: and the full qualified class name.


Property to set a new strategy for starting Cubes. Normally the default one is enough but in some cases, if you need to modify it or provide a custom one you can use this property. You need to set the fully qualified name of a class implementing org.arquillian.cube.spi.AutoStartOrder.


Boolean to set if Cube should connect to Docker server with TLS. This attribute will be ignored if serverUri attribute starts with http:// or https://.


Path where certificates are stored. If you are not using https protocol this parameter is not required. This parameter accepts starting with ~ as home directory.


Sets the full location (and program name) of boot2docker. For example /opt/boot2dockerhome/boot2docker.


Sets the full location (and program name) of docker-machine. For example /opt/dockermachinehome/docker-machine.


Sets the machine name in case you are using docker-machine to manage your docker host. This parameter is mandatory when using docker-machine with more than one running machine. In case of having only one docker machine running, it is not necessary to set it since it is auto resolved by cube.


Sets the machine driver in case you are using docker-machine, Cube will create a machine using this driver. This parameter is mandatory when docker-machine is not installed.


Sets the custom location where docker-machine will be downloaded. Default value: ~/.arquillian/machine.


Boolean to set if Cube should detect that tests are run inside an already started Docker container, so Docker containers started by Cube could be run using DinD (Docker Inside Docker) or DoD (docker On Docker). Basically it ignores any SERVER_URI, Boot2Docker or docker-machine properties and sets the serverUri to unix:///var/run/docker.sock. By default its value is true. If you want to use an external dockerhost, then you need to set this property to false.


Sometimes you might left some container running inside your docker host with the same name as one defined for Cube test. At these cases Arquillian Cube (actually Docker) complains of a conflict of trying to create a container name that it is already running. If you want that Cube automatically removes these containers you can set this property to true. By default is false.


Boolean to set if Cube should also remove the volumes associated with a container when removing the container. By default is true. Can be overwritten on container level.


Boolean to set if you set to true all images built by cube are removed and if false no built images are removed. If image is not built by cube it should not be removed. By default is true.


Connection Mode to bypass the Create/Start Cube commands if the a Docker Container with the same name is already running on the target system. This parameter can receive three possible values. STARTANDSTOP which is the default one if not set any and simply creates and stops all Docker Containers. If a container is already running, an exception is thrown. STARTORCONNECT mode tries to bypass the Create/Start Cube commands if a container with the same name is already running, and if it is the case doesn’t stop it at the end. But if container is not already running, Cube will start one and stop it at the end of the execution. And last mode is STARTORCONNECTANDLEAVE which is exactly the same of STARTORCONNECT but if container is started by Cube it won’t be stopped at the end of the execution so it can be reused in next executions. This is a Cube property, not a Docker one, thus it should be inside a <extension qualifier="cube"> tag. See here for an example.


If you set to true then Arquillian Cube will ignore definitions set in dockerContainers, dockerContainersFile and dockerContainersFiles as well as default locations. By default is set to false.

Some of these properties can be provided by using standard Docker system environment variables so you can set once and use them in your tests too. Moreover you can set as Java system properties (-D…​) as well.







If dockerContainers, dockerContainersFile or dockerContainersFiles are not set Arquillian Cube automatically search a file named docker-compose.y(a)ml into next places and in following order:

  1. src/{test, main}/docker having more priority test location than `main location.

  2. Root directory of project

  3. src/distribution

  4. src/{test, main}/resources/docker having more priority test location than `main location.

  5. src/{test, main}/resources having more priority test location than `main location.

In the next example you can see a whole YAML document with configuration properties. Keep in mind that almost all of them are configuration parameters provided by Docker remote API. In this example we are going to explain the attributes that are most used and special cases. Of course not all of them are mandatory:

In YAML adding brackets ("[" "]") is for setting a list.
tomcat: (1)
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0 (2)
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp] (3)
  await: (4)
    strategy: polling (5)
  workingDir: .
  alwaysPull: false
  disableNetwork: true
  hostName: host
  portSpecs: [80,81]
  user: alex
  tty: true
  stdinOpen: true
  stdinOnce: true
  memoryLimit: 1
  memorySwap: 1
  cpuShares: 1
  cpuQuota: 1
  shmSize: 64
  cpuSet: a
  extraHosts: a
  attachStdin: true
  attachStderr: true
  env: [TOMCAT_PASS=mypass,] (6)
  cmd: [] (7)
  dns: []
  volumes: [/tmp]
  volumesFrom: [tomcat]
  removeVolumes: true
    - /host:/container:ro
    - name:alias
    - name2:alias2
  portBindings: [8089/tcp, 8081->8080/tcp] (8)
  privileged: true
  publishAllPorts: true
  networkMode: host
  dnsSearch: []
  entryPoint: [sh]
    cGroupPermissions: a
    pathOnHost: b
    pathInContainer: c
    name: failure
    maximumRetryCount: 1
  capAdd: [a]
  capDrop: [b]
  extends: container-id (9)
  manual: true (10)
  killContainer: true (11)
  alias: tomcat1  (12)
1 The name that are going to be assign to running container. It is mandatory.
2 The name of the image to be used. It is mandatory. If the image has not already been pulled by the Docker server, Arquillian Cube will pull it for you. If you want to always pull latest image before container is created, you can configure alwaysPull: true.
3 Sets exposed ports of the running container. It should follow the format port number slash(/) and _protocol (udp or tcp). Note that it is a list and it is not mandatory.
4 After a container is started, it starts booting up the defined services/commands. Depending on the nature of service, the lifecycle of these services are linked to start up or not. For example Tomcat, Wildlfy, TomEE and in general all Java servers must be started in foreground and this means that from the point of view of the client, the container never finishes to start. But on the other side other services like Redis are started in background and when the container is started you can be sure that Redis server is there. To avoid executing tests before the services are ready, you can set which await strategy should be used from Arquillian Cube side to accept that Docker container and all its defined services are up and ready. It is not mandatory and by default polling with ss command strategy is used.
5 In strategy you set which strategy you want to follow. Currently three strategies are supported. static, native and polling.
6 You can pass environment variables by using env. In this section you can set special dockerServerIp string which at runtime will be replaced by Cube to current docker server ip.
7 After the container is up, a list of commands can be executed within it.
8 Port forwarding is configured using portBinding section. It contains a list of exposedPort and port separated by arrow (). If only one port is provided, Arquillian Cube will expose the same port number. In this example the exposed port 8089 is mapped to 8089 and exposed port 8080 is mapped to 8081.
9 You can extend another configuration. Any top level element and it’s children from the target container-id will be copied over to this configuration, unless they have been defined here already.
10 You can use manual to indicate that this container is going to be started or in the test manually using CubeController or started by an extension. This attribute is ingorned in case of arquillian containers (none autostart containers) or in case of a linked container that comes from a none manual container.
11 Kills the container instead of stopping it normally. By default is false so containers are stopped.
12 Alternate hostname for use with the builtin DNS for docker’suser defined networks.

As we’ve seen in the basic example the definition of the Arquillian Cube scenarios are described in dockerContainers property. But if you want you can avoid using this property by simply creating a file called cube in the root of the classpath of your project. Arquillian Cube will read it as if it was defined in arquilllian.xml file.

  image: tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: polling
  env: [TOMCAT_PASS=mypass,]
  portBindings: [8089/tcp, 8080/tcp]

6.1. Networks

You can define networks using cube format (Docker Compose v1 (the one supported by Cube) does not have support to networks. For defining them you only need to use the reserved word networks.

networks: (1)
   mynetwork: (2)
       driver: bridge (3)
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
  networkMode: mynetwork  (4)
1 Reserved word to indicate start of network definition
2 Network name
3 Driver used. Currently this is the only supported property due not support in docker-java
4 Sets the network where container must join.

You can also use networks to connect to more than one network:

  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
  networkMode: mynetwork
    - mynetwork
    - myothernetwork

6.2. cube.environment

In case you use the dockerContainersFile to configure a YAML file (Cube format or Compose format) for loading the definition of your containers, you can use cube.environment system property to append a prefix to the file you want to load.

For example, in case you set dockerContainersFile to docker-compose.yml and cube.environment not set, Cube loads a file named docker-compose.yml. But if cube.environment is set to qa (-Dcube.environment=qa), the Cube loads a file called

This property is useful for loading different configurations depending on the environment you are running the tests.

6.3. Await

After a container is started, it starts booting up the defined services/commands. Depending on the nature of service, the lifecycle of these services are linked to start up or not. For example Tomcat, Wildlfy, TomEE and in general all Java servers must be started in foreground and this means that from the point of view of the Docker client, the container never finishes to start. But on the other side other services like Redis are started in background and when the container is started you can be sure that Redis server is there. To avoid executing tests before the services are ready, you can set which await strategy should be used from Arquillian Cube side to accept that Docker container and all its defined services are up and ready.

Currently next await strategies are supported:


it uses wait command. In this case current thread is waiting until the Docker server notifies that has started. In case of foreground services this is not the approach to be used.


in this case a polling (with ping or ss command) is executed for 5 seconds against all exposed ports. When communication to all exposed ports is acknowledged, the container is considered to be up. This approach is the one to be used in case of services started in foreground. By default polling executes ss command inside the running container to know if the server is already running. Also you can use a ping strategy from client by setting type attribute to ping; Note that ping only works if you are running Docker daemon on localhost. You can also use wait-for-it script which is automatically downloaded, copied inside container and executed inside it. To do it you need to set type property to waitforit. In almost all cases the default behaviour matches all scenarios. If it is not specified, this is the default strategy. By default if you use ss strategy but ss command is not installed into the container it fallsback automatically to waitforit strategy.


similar to polling but it uses the host ip and specified list of ports provided as configuration parameter. This can be used in case of using Boot2Docker.


sleeps current thread for the specified amount of time. You can specify the time in seconds or milliseconds.


it looking for a specified pattern in container log to detect service startup. This can be used when there is no port to connect or connecting to the port successfully doesn’t mean the service is fully initialized.


polls through a configured http endpoint checking for http response code and optionally the answer content or headers.


polls the docker API to wait for the container to match the docker healthy definition (see: here).


if you specify a fully qualified class name, Arquillian Cube will instantiate the given class. In this way you can implement your own await strategies. There are two rules to follow, the first one is that class must implement AwaitStrategy and the second one is that one default constructor must be provided. Optionally you can add fields/setters for types Cube, DockerClientExecutor or Await to inject them into the await strategy.

By default in case you don’t specify any await strategy, polling with ss command is used with automatic fallback to wait-fo_it strategy.

Example native
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: native
Example polling using ss command by default
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: polling
    sleepPollingTime: 200 s (1)
    iterations: 3  (2)
1 Optional parameter to configure sleeping time between poling. You can set in seconds using s or miliseconds using ms. By default time unit is miliseconds and value 500.
2 Optional parameter to configure number of retries to be done. By default 10 iterations are done.
Example static
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: static
    ip: localhost
    ports: [8080, 8089]
Example sleeping
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: sleeping
    sleepTime: 200 s  (1)
1 Optional parameter to configure sleeping time between poling. You can set in seconds using s or miliseconds using ms. By default time unit is miliseconds and value 500.
Example log
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: log
    match: 'Server startup' (1)
    stdOut: true (2)
    stdErr: true (3)
    timeout: 15 (4)
    occurrences: 2  (5)
1 Mandatory parameter to configure the pattern that signals the service started. To use regular expression just prefix the pattern with regexp:.
2 Optional parameter to enable scanning of standard output log. Default is true.
3 Optional parameter to enable scanning of standard error log. Default is false.
4 Optional parameter to configure timeout. It is expressed in seconds and by default is 15.
5 Optional parameter to configure the number of times that it should match. By default is 1.
Example http
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: http
    match: 'Server startup' (1)
    responseCode: 201 (2)
    url: http://dockerHost:8080 (3)
    sleepPollingTime: 200 s (4)
    iterations: 3 (5)
        X-Cube: Docker  (6)
1 Parameter to configure the pattern that signals the service returned correctly value. To use regular expression just prefix the pattern with regexp:.
2 Optional parameter to set which response http code is the expected one from service. Default is 200.
3 Mandatory parameter that sets the url where to connect. dockerHost is substituted by Cube to Docker Host.
4 Optional parameter to configure sleeping time between each call in case of fail. You can set in seconds using s or miliseconds using ms. By default time unit is miliseconds and value 500.
5 Optional parameter to configure number of retries to be done. By default 10 iterations are done.
6 Optional parameter to check header’s value returned by service.
Example docker_health
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: docker_health
    iterations: 5 (1)
    sleepPollingTime: 200 s (2)
    command: ["curl", "localhost:8089"]  (3)
1 Optional parameter to configure number of retries to be done. By default 10 iterations are done.
2 Optional parameter to configure sleeping time between each call in case of fail. You can set in seconds using s or miliseconds using ms. By default time unit is miliseconds and value 500.
3 Optional parameter to configure a command line to execute inside the container instead of using the docker API to get container health.

Custom Await strategy:

public class CustomAwaitStrategyImpl implements AwaitStrategy {

  Await params;
  DockerClientExecutor dockerClientExecutor;
  Cube<?> cube;

  public void setCube(Cube<?> cube) {
    this.cube = cube;

  public void setDockerClientExecutor(DockerClientExecutor dockerClientExecutor) {
    this.dockerClientExecutor = dockerClientExecutor;

  public void setParams(Await params) {
     this.params = params;

  public boolean await() {
    return this.params != null && this.dockerClientExecutor != null && this.cube != null;

and the configuration comes as:

  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
    strategy: org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.await.CustomAwaitStrategyImpl

6.3.1. @HealthCheck annotation

Sometimes default await strategy because when the service opens the port it does not mean that the service is up and running. For example in case of Tomcat, exposed port is opened when the application is deployed so default strategy works perfectly, but in case of Wildfly the port is opened when the server is up and running but not when the application has been deployed.

To avoid this problem and continue using default await strategy you can annotate your test class with @HealthCheck annotation.

By default annotating your test class with it, next default parameters are used:

context: /
schema: http
port: 8080
method: GET
containerName: null
responseCode: 200
iterations: 40
interval: 500ms
timeout: 2s

Each of these attributes are configurable with custom values.

Time attributes like timeout and interval uses docker-compose durations approach of using timespan format such as 1m30s.
If containerName is set to null port attribute is used, otherwise port is considered an exposed port and it is resolved against the given container.

6.3.2. @Sleep annotation

Sometimes you need to sleep your execution for some specific amount of time and you have no way to do it using an http health check. In this situations a sleep might do the work.

To avoid this problem and continue using default await strategy you can annotate your test class with @Sleep annotation which receives as value an string that represents a timespan.

By default the time specified is in milliseconds so annotating the test class with @Sleep("1000") makes your test class sleeps 1 second before executing all test methods. You can also use the timespan format and write something like @Sleep("1m30s") which makes your test class sleeps for one minute and a half before executing all test methods.

6.4. Inferring exposedPorts from portBinding

When you are using Docker you can set two different parameters, exposedPort and portBinding. exposedPorts are ports that are available inside Docker infrastructure and they are used for communication between Docker containers but not from outside. On the other side portBindings are a way to instruct Docker container to publish a port to be available from outside (for example from our test).

It seems reasonable that if you set a port binding this port should automatically be exposed port as well. For this reason in Arquillian Cube you can use portBinding and it will automatically set to exposed port.

In next example we are only setting portBinding and Arquillian Cube will instruct Docker to expose port 8080 and of course bind the port 8080 so it can be accessible from outside.

    dockerfileLocation: src/test/resources/undertow
    noCache: true
    remove: true
    strategy: polling
  portBindings: [8080/tcp]

Also it is not necessary to set the network protocol (tcp or udp). If protocol is not specified portBindings: ["8080"] then tcp is used by default. Notice that you need to add double-quotes to stringify the value.

6.5. Allow connecting to a running container

With the configuration option connectionMode you can bypass the Create/Start Cube commands if the a Docker Container with the same name is already running on the target system. If so, Arquillian Cube will reuse that Container moving forward.

This allows you to prestart the containers manually during development and just connect to them to avoid the extra cost of starting the Docker Containers for each test run. This assumes you are not changing the actual definition of the Docker Container itself.

An example of this configuration could be:

<extension qualifier="cube">
  <property name="connectionMode">STARTORCONNECT</property>

<extension qualifier="docker">
  <property name="serverVersion">1.12</property>
  <property name="serverUri">http://localhost:2375</property>
  <property name="dockerContainers">
        #more properties

connectionMode is an attribute that can receive three parameters:


it is the default one if not set any and simply creates and stops all Docker Containers. If a container is already running, an exception is thrown.


it tries to bypass the Create/Start Cube commands if a container with the same name is already running, and if it is the case doesn’t stop it at the end. But if container is not already running, Cube will start one and stop it at the end of the execution.


it is exactly the same of STARTORCONNECT but if container is started by Cube it won’t be stopped at the end of the execution so it can be reused in next executions.

6.6. Before Stop Events

Sometimes when the tests has finished and container is stopped you want to inspect some data like container console or getting a file from the container to manual inspecting. In these cases you can configure each container to copy console log or copy a file/s from container to local machine just before container is stopped. Or if your need is more specific, you can provide a custom implementation

Next snippet shows how to copy a directory from container to local disk:

  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
  beforeStop: (1)
    - copy: (2)
        from: /test
        to: /tmp

    - log: (3)
        to: /tmp/container.log

    - customBeforeStopAction: (4)
        strategy: <fullyqualifiedclassname>
1 beforeStop goes into the container section and may contain a list of copy and log elements.
2 copy is used to notify that we want to copy some directories or files form from container location to to local location.
3 log is used to notify that we want to copy container log to to local location.
4 customBeforeStopAction is used to notify that we provide our own implementation of a stop action. There are two rules to follow. The first is that the class must implement 'BeforeStopAction' and the second one is that the class must have a default constructor. Optionally fields/setters for types 'DockerClientExecutor' and 'CubeId' for containerId can be used to inject them into the custom beforeStop action

In case of log command the standard output and the error output are returned. log Docker command can receive some configuration paramters and you can set them too in configuration file.

Example of log parameters
  - log:
    to: /tmp/container.log
    follow: true
    stdout: true
    stderr: false
    timestamps: true
    tail: 10

Custom BeforeStop action:

package org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.beforeStop;

import org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.docker.DockerClientExecutor;
import org.arquillian.cube.impl.model.CubeId;
import org.arquillian.cube.spi.beforeStop.BeforeStopAction;

public class CustomBeforeStopActionImpl implements BeforeStopAction {

    private DockerClientExecutor dockerClientExecutor;
    private CubeId containerID;

    public void doBeforeStop() {


and the configuration comes as:

  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
    - customBeforeStopAction:
        strategy: org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.beforeStop.CustomBeforeStopActionImpl

6.7. CubeSpecificProperties

In case you are using COMPOSE format, you cannot configure cube custom properties like await or beforeStop. You can use a property called cubeSpecificProperties allows you to add them in already defined containers.

This property only overrides custom properties defined by CUBE format.
<property name="cubeSpecificProperties">
      removeVolumes: true
        strategy: polling
        - copy:
            from: /test
            to: /tmp";

Previous snippet would override await strategy to polling and set a beforeStop event in cube container named tomcat defined in a previous docker-compose definition.

6.8. Automatic serverUri resolution

serverUri parameter is where you configure the Uri of Docker server. This parameter is not mandatory and in case you don’t set it, Arquillian Cube will use next values:







Docker Machine


7. Boot2Docker and Docker Machine

If you are using boot2docker or docker machine there are some parameters that depends on the local installation. For example boot2docker ip is not localhost and may change every time you start a new boot2docker instance. Also every time you start boot2docker copies required certificates to home directory of local machine.

Arquillian Cube offers some automatic mechanisms to use boot2docker or docker machine in Cube.

The first one is that serverUri parameter can contain the word dockerHost like for example https://dockerHost:2376. When Cube is started it will check if the serverUri contains the dockerHost word, and if it is the case it will do next things:

  1. if docker machine name is provided by using machineName property then Cube resolves if Docker Machine is installed, otherwise machineDriver property must be provided to create the machine.

  2. if docker machine name is provided by using machineName property then Docker Machine command is run to get the ip to be replaced in dockerHost.

  3. if previous conditions are not met, then boot2docker command is run to get the ip to be replaced in dockerHost.

In case of using docker machine with only one machine running, it is not necessary to use machineName property since Cube will be able to resolve it automatically.

7.1. Boot2Docker

In case of boot2docker it will run the command boot2docker ip to get the ip and substitute the dockerHost keyword to the ip returned by that command.

Note that by default Arquillian Cube assumes that boot2docker command is on PATH, but you can configure its location by using boot2dockerPath property which is the full location (and program name) of boot2docker. For example /opt/boot2dockerhome/boot2docker.

boot2docker runs in https and you need to set the certificates path. These certificates are copied by boot2docker by default at <HOME>/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm. If this property is not set and the serverUri contains dockerHost, then this property is automatically configured to <HOME>/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm so you don’t need to worry to set for each environment.

7.2. Docker Machine

In case of docker-machine it will run the command docker-machine ip <machineName> to get the ip and substitute the dockerHost keyword to the ip returned by that command.

Note that by default Arquillian Cube assumes that docker-machine command is on PATH, but you can configure its location by using the dockerMachinePath property which is the full location (and program name too) of docker-machine. For example /usr/bin/docker-machine. But, if docker-machine command is not on PATH, Cube will download the latest version. In this case, machineDriver must be provided to create the machine.

docker-machine can run with boot2docker together. And this docker host instance runs in https so you need to set the certificates path. These certificates are copied by docker-machine by default at <HOME>/.docker/machine/machines. If this property is not set and docker-machine is run, then this property is automatically configured to default location, so you don’t need to worry to set for each environment.

For example you can configure arquillian.xml file to use docker-machine as:

<extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="serverVersion">${docker.api.version}</property>
    <property name="definitionFormat">COMPOSE</property>
    <property name="machineName">dev</property> (1)
    <property name="dockerContainersFile">docker-compose.yml</property>
1 Sets docker machine to dev.

Notice that you only need to add machineName property in case you have more than one machine running, everything else it is exactly the same as previous examples.

8. Building containers

To build a container Docker uses a file called Dockerfile Arquillian Cube also supports building and running a container from a Dockerfile.

To set that Arquillian Cube must build the container, the image property must be changed to buildImage and add the location of Dockerfile.

Let’s see previous example but instead of creating a container from a predefined image, we are going to build one:

<property name="dockerContainers">
    buildImage: (1)
      dockerfileLocation: src/test/resources-tomcat-7-dockerfile/tomcat (2)
      noCache: true (3)
      remove: true (4)
      dockerfileName: my-dockerfile (5)
      strategy: polling
    env: []
    portBindings: [8089/tcp, 8080/tcp]
1 buildImage section is used in front of image. In case of both sections present in a document, image section has preference over buildImage.
2 dockerfileLocation contains the location of Dockerfile and all files required to build the container.
3 Property to enable or disable the no cache attribute.
4 Property to enable or disable the remove attribute.
5 Property to set the dockerfile name to be used instead of the default ones.
dockerfileLocation can be a directory that must contains Dockerfile in root directory (in case you don’t set dockerfileName property), also a tar.gz file or a URL pointing to a tar.gz file.

An example of Dockerfile is:

FROM tutum/tomcat:7.0

ADD tomcat-users.xml /tomcat/conf/ (1)
CMD ["/tomcat/bin/","run"]
1 tomcat-users.xml file is located at same directory as Dockerfile.

9. Docker-Compose Format

Instead of using Arquillian Cube format, you can use Docker Compose format to define containers layout. This means that you can use the same Docker Compose file for running your tests with Arquillian Cube and without any change run docker-compose up command from terminal and get the same result.

It is important to note that this is not a docker-compose implementation but only the docker-compose format. This means that for example you cannot execute some CLI commands of docker-compose like start several instances of same service.

In case of some specific Arquillian Cube attributes like await strategy cannot be configured and the default values are going to be used.

Moreover there are some docker-compose commands that are not implemented yet due to restrictions on docker-java library. These commands are pid, log_driver and security_opt. But they will be implemented as soon as docker-java library adds their support.

Last thing, in case you define a command that is not implemented in Arquillian Cube, this command will be ignored (no exception will be thrown), but a log line will be printed notifying this situation. Please it is really important that if this happens you open a bug so we can add support for them. Althought this warning we will try to maintain aligned with the latest docker-compose format.

Let’s see how you can rewrite previous HelloWorld example with Tomcat to be used using docker-compose format.

First let’s create a file called envs on root of the project which configures environment variables:

You can use dockerServerIp as special tag for identify the docker host IP. Before injecting the environement variables, Cube will change it to real host IP.

Then you can create a file called docker-compose.yml following docker-compose commands on root of the project:

  env_file: envs
  image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
      - "8089:8089"
      - "8088:8088"
      - "8081:8080"

and finally you can configure in arquillian.xml file that you want to use docker-compose format.

In case you use context with a GIT repository, you should add the following dependency org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit:${jgit.version}. Due of library conflicts between docker-java and jgit, that they are sharing common libraries but different unsupported versions, you need to exclude and include some of them.

For example in case of using Maven, your pom.xml should look like:

<extension qualifier="docker">
  <property name="serverVersion">1.13</property>
  <property name="serverUri">localhost</property>
  <property name="dockerContainersFile">docker-compose.yml</property>

<container qualifier="tomcat">
    <property name="user">admin</property>
    <property name="pass">mypass</property>

Notice that you don’t need to specify definitionFormat since docker compose format is the default one.

And that’s all, you can now reuse your existing docker-compose files in Arquillian Cube too. You can see the full example at:

10. Enrichers

Arquillian Cube comes with a few enrichers.

One for injecting the CubeID(containerId) of the current container created for executing the test, one that injects the CubeController to call lifecycle methods on any cube and one that injects com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient instance used to communicate with Docker server. Also you can inject in your tests the Docker Host IP used for running containers by using @HostIp annotation.

DockerClient, Docker Host IP, Docker Host Port and Cube Ip injection only work if the tests are run in client mode, that is by using @RunAsClient or by setting the testable property to false @Deployment(testable = false). Also they work if you run Arquillian in standalone mode.

These can be injected using the @ArquillianResource annotation.

As examples:
CubeID containerId;
DockerClient dockerClient;
CubeController cubeController;
String ip;
@HostPort(containerName = "tomcat", value = 8080)
int tomcatPort; // gets the binding port for exposed port 8080 of container tomcat.
@CubeIp(containerName = "tomcat")
String ip;

When running Arquillian Cube with Standalone you can enrich the test with URL.
@DockerUrl(containerName = "pingpong", exposedPort = 8080) // resolves bind port
private URL url;

When running Arquillian Cube against a OpenShift’s pod you can retrieve the route to the pod’s service just by using the example code below:
private URL url;

This annotation also has a path parameter which can change the path part of the injected URL.

Furthermore, the annotation also provides the namespace parameter which can be used when a test needs the URL of a Route that exists in a namespace other than the namespace the test uses (which is the default behavior when no value is provided to namespace).

    private URL url;

You can also use an additional annotation @AwaitRoute to wait until the route becomes available. That is, it responds with a known good HTTP status code in given timeout.

To resolve expression "${}", it looks in hierarchy of system propertyenvironment variableproperties defined in arquillian.xml.

If the route is not resolvable, you need to set the routerHost setting to the IP address of the OpenShift router. You can configure it in arquillian.xml:

 <extension qualifier="openshift">
    <property name="routerHost"></property>

Or just by setting the system property To obtain the router address from your OpenShift instance you can execute the command below: oc describe svc/router And look for the Endpoints field.

10.1. Docker Inside Docker / Docker On Docker

If you are running your tests on your continuous integration/delivery server (for example on Jenkins or GitLab runners) and at the same time the server is running inside Docker. Then the docker containers started for Cube are run inside a Docker container. So you effectively face the Docker inside Docker problem - DockerHost is not the machine where your test is running.

From Arquillian Cube perspective we cannot do a lot of things, more then adapting to this situation by changing the serverUri. Basically it ignores any SERVER_URI, Boot2Docker or docker-machine properties and sets the serverUri to unix:///var/run/docker.sock.

You can avoid this behaviour by setting dockerInsideDockerResolution to false.

INFO: In this case almost all work should be done in infrastructure level by configuring correctly Docker instances. For this reason it is important that before running Cube tests, you test manually your infrastructure to be sure that everything is connected as expected.

In next sections, some minor information is provided on how to run Docker inside/on Docker. Keep in mind that you need to configure continuous integration/delivery correctly.

10.1.1. Docker Inside Docker

You can find more information about Docker Inside Docker at:

Also if you are using Jenkins you can use next Jenkins Slave. kmadel/dind-jenkins-slave:1.4 running with privileged flag.

10.1.2. Docker On Docker

If instead of running Docker inside Docker, you want to use the Docker instance/host of the "parent" Docker, you can map as volume the Docker CLI, Docker socket and apparmor library from parent to child container.

-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker -v /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

10.2. CubeController

CubeController is facade class that let’s you interact with any cube container. It offers some operations like creating and destroying Cubes (in case of Docker, it is Docker containers), copy a directory to local directory, get a log with all the changes that happened to Cube filesystem, execute a Top command or copy the logs to local file.

Suppose you have next Docker Container definition in dockerContainers property:

<property name="dockerContainers">
        image: zhilvis/h2-db
        portBindings: [1521/tcp, 8181->81/tcp]

If you enrich your test with CubeController then you will be able to:

  • call cubeController.create("manual_database") to create the Cube defined in dockerContainers with name manual_database.

  • call cubeController.start("manual_database") to start the given Cube.

  • call cubeController.stop("manual_database") to stop the given Cube.

  • call cubeController.destroy("manual_database") to destroy the given Cube.

But also it offers some extra operations not related with the lifecycle of a Cube.

  • cubeController.copyFileDirectoryFromContainer("manual_database", "/db", newFolder.getAbsolutePath()) to copy content from container folder /db to newFolder local location.

  • List<ChangeLog> changesOnFilesystem = cubeController.changesOnFilesystem("manual_database") to returns a log with all changes that has occurred inside given Cube.

  • TopContainer top ="manual_testing") to get the result of executing top command inside Cube.

  • cubeController.copyLog("manual_testing", follow, stdout, stderr, timestamp, tail, byteArrayOutputStream) to copy Cube log to given outputStream. This operation only works in Client mode.

10.3. Auto starting Cubes outside of Arquillian Containers

Probably any application you may write will need an application/servlet container but also other servers like database server or mail server. Each one will be placed on one Docker Container. So for example a full application may contain one Docker Container with an application server (for example Wildfly) and another container with a database (for example H2).

Arquillian Cube can orchestrate these containers as well.

An example of orchestration can be:

<property name="dockerContainers">
    extends: wildfly
      - database:database (1)
    image: zhilvis/h2-db
    exposedPorts: [81/tcp, 1521/tcp]
      strategy: polling
    portBindings: [1521/tcp, 8181->81/tcp]

<container qualifier="wildfly_database">
    <property name="target">wildfly:8.1.0.Final:remote</property>
    <property name="username">admin</property>
    <property name="password">Admin#70365</property>
1 We use link property to connect Wildfly container to database container.

In this case when a test is started both containers are started and when both are ready to receive requests, the test will be executed.

And the database definition shall be:
  name = "java:app/TestDataSource",
  className = "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource",
  url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://database:1521/opt/h2-data/test",
  user = "sa",
  password = "sa"
public class UserRepository {

    private EntityManager em;

    public void store(User user) {

Cube will normally start a Docker container when it has the same name as an active Arquillian container and all the links from this container to another containers as we have seen in previous example. Basically Cube resolves all the container depdendencies as well e.g. a database where the application saves data, or mail server where application sends an email.

That works for things that are DeployableContainer’s. For any other container services that might not have a link to the DeployableContainer, e.g. a monitor, you can use the autoStartContainers option to define which Docker containers to automatically start up. The option takes a comma separated list of Docker container ids. e.g. monitor. Arquillian Cube will attempt to start the containers in parallel if possible as well as start any linked containers. Also if you need to start several images, instead of adding them as CSV, you can use a regular expression by prefixing with regexp:, for example setting the property to regexp:a(.*) would start all container ids starting with a.

For example:

<extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="autoStartContainers">regexp:a(.*)</property>

Also you can provide your own implementation of autostart containers. To make it so, first you need to implement org.arquillian.cube.spi.AutoStartParser interface.

public class ChangeNameAutoStartParser implements AutoStartParser { (1)

    @Inject (2)
    public Instance<CubeDockerConfiguration> cubeDockerConfigurationInstance;

    public Map<String, Node> parse() { (3)
        final DockerCompositions dockerContainersContent = cubeDockerConfigurationInstance.get().getDockerContainersContent();

        final Map<String, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>();
        final Set<String> containersNames = new TreeSet<>(dockerContainersContent.getContainers().keySet());

        for (String name : containersNames) {
            nodes.put(new StringBuilder(name).reverse().toString(), Node.from(name));

        return nodes;
1 Need to implement AutoStartParser interface
2 You can Inject any element produced by Arquillian such as CubeDockerConfiguration or ContainerRegistry
3 Returns a map with the name of the map and id.

Then you need to use reserved word custom: + full qualified class name in the autoStartContainers property.

<extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="autoStartContainers">custom:org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.client.ChangeNameAutoStartParser</property>

10.4. Auto-Remapping

Arquillian Cube can automatically configure default ports of container in case of port forwarding.

What Arquillian Cube does internally is remapping default DeployableContainer port values to the ones configured in Docker Containers configuration.

Suppose you have a Docker Container configuration like:

<property name="dockerContainers">
      image: tutum/tomcat:7.0
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
        strategy: polling
      env: [TOMCAT_PASS=mypass,]
      portBindings: [8089/tcp, 8081->8080/tcp] (1)
1 Note that the exposed port is the 8081.

Then in theory you should configure the remote Tomcat adapter to port 8081 on your arquillian.xml file. But let’s say that you are using that remote adapter for a remote local machine Tomcat (outside Docker) too, and is configured to use 8080 port.

<container qualifier="tomcat_default">
    <property name="host">localhost</property>
    <property name="user">admin</property>
    <property name="pass">mypass</property>

Which basically uses default port (8080) to connect to remote server.

In this case you don’t need to create a new container tag, Arquillian Cube is smart enough to change the default port value automatically; in case of Tomcat 8080 to 8081. Arquillan Cube will apply autoremapping to all properties that contains port as a substring of the property, and will remap if it is necessary.

Automapping only works in case you want to change the default server port to a Docker port forwarded port.

10.5. DockerServerIp and Containers

If you are using a remote docker server (not on localhost) or for example boot2docker you may want to set that ip to Arquillian remote adapter configuration so it can deploy the archive under test. In these cases you can hardcode this ip to Arquillian container adapter configuration or you can use the special tag dockerServerIp. At runtime these tag will be replaced by Arquillian Cube to docker server ip configured in serverUri parameter. This replacement only works in properties that contains the string host or address in property name.

So for example:

<extension qualifier="docker">
        <property name="serverUri"></property> (1)
<container qualifier="tomcat_default">
    <property name="host">dockerServerIp</property> (2)
    <property name="user">admin</property>
    <property name="pass">mypass</property>
1 We set the serverUri as usually.
2 dockerServerIp is replaced at runtime.

The host property will be replaced automatically to

This also works in case you set serverUri using boot2docker special word or by using the defaults. Read more about it Boot2Docker section and Automatic serverUri resolution section.

In case of using unix socket dockerServerUri is replaced to localhost.

Also Arquillian Cube can help you in another way inferring boot2docker ip. In case you are running in MACOS or Windows with boot2docker, you may not need to set host property at all nor using dockerServerIp. Arquillian Cube will inspect any property in configuration class that contains the word address or host that it is not overriden in arquillian.xml and it will set the boot2docker server automatically.

So previous example could be modified to:

<container qualifier="tomcat_default">
    <property name="user">admin</property>
    <property name="pass">mypass</property>

And in case you are running on Windows or MacOS, `host`property will be automatically set to the +boot2docker +ip.

10.6. System Properties Injection

Arquillian Cube sets some system properties to be used in tests in case you cannot use enrichers (i.e in case of JUnit rules). These system properties are:

  • with Docker Host host.

For each container started:

  • arq.cube.docker.<cubeid>.ip with container ip.

  • arq.cube.docker.<cubeid>.internal.ip with container internal ip.

  • arq.cube.docker.<cubeid>.port.<exposedport> with binding port of giving exposed port.

11. Parallel Execution

Sometimes using any Mave/Gradle/Jenkins plugin you end up by executing tests in parallel. This means that same docker-compose file is executed for all tests. The problem is that probably docker host is the same. So when you start the second test (in parallel) you will get a failure regarding that a container with same name is already started in that docker host.

So arrived at this point you can do two things:

  • You can have one docker host for each parallel test and override serverUri property at each case using system property (arq.extension.docker.serverUri).

  • You can reuse the same docker host and use star operator.

11.1. Star Operator

Star operator let’s you indicate to Arquillian Cube that you want to generate cube names randomly and adapt links as well. In this way when you execute your tests in parallel there will be no conflicts because of names or binding ports.

Let’s see an example:

<property name="dockerContainers">
      image: tutum/tomcat:8.0
      portBindings: [8080/tcp]
        - ping*
      image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
      image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
        - "ping*"

You add the special character * to indicate that cube name should be randomized.

With previous example Cube will:

  1. Generate a unique UUID.

  2. Substitute cube name, links and depends_on using the name + UUID

  3. In case of using an alias, don’t add the * since it is extended from the service name

  4. Bind port is going to be changed to a random private port (49152 - 65535)

  5. Add an environment variable with new hostname. This environment variable is <name>_HOSTNAME

So for example the result file could look like:

<property name="dockerContainers">
      image: tutum/tomcat:8.0
      portBindings: [54678 -> 8080/tcp]
      env: [ping_HOSTNAME=ping_123456]
        - ping_123456
      image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
      image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
        - "ping_123456"

Since now the ports are unique and names are unique, you can run tests using same orchestration in parallel against same docker host.

The same approach can work for ensuring that each test run has a unique network. As docker allows multiple networks to have the same name, it will not throw an error if two concurrent tests create networks with the same name. However, as cube networks are specified by name in the cube specification, if there are multiple networks with the same name, the cube could end up in any one of them, resulting in hard to debug test failures.

Again, adding the special character * to the end of the network name will cause a random network name to be used. The name can then be used for a cube’s networkMode or in the cube’s network list, and it will be substituted correctly when the test runs.

<property name="dockerContainers">
        driver: bridge
      image: tutum/tomcat:8.0
      portBindings: [8080/tcp]
      networkMode: testnetwork*
      image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
      exposedPorts: [8089/tcp]
        - testnetwork*
You can use the same approach for docker-compose files not only with cube format. But then your docker-compose will be tight to Arquillian Cube. The best approach if you want to use docker-compose format is using extends.
Star operator must also used on enrichers for example: @HostPort(containerName = "tomcat*", value = 8080) or @DockerUrl(containerName = "tomcat*", exposedPort = 8080)

12. Container Object pattern

If you search for a description of what Page Object is, you’ll find that it describes a pattern that allows you to model content in a reusable and maintainable way. The description also points that within your web app’s UI, there are areas that your tests interact with, and a Page Object simply models those areas as objects within the test code. Using the Page Object pattern reduces the amount of duplicated code. If the UI changes, only the Page Object will need to be updated for the test cases to run.

As you can see, the Page Object pattern applies to UI elements. We (the Arquillian community) have coined a new pattern following Page Object that we call the Container Object pattern. You can think of a Container Object as a mechanism to encapsulate areas (data and actions) related to a container (for now only Docker containers) that your test might interact with. For example:

  • the host IP where the container is running

  • the bounded port for a given exposed port

  • any parameter configured inside the configuration file (Dockerfile), like a user or password to access the service running in the container.

For example, if running a MySQL database in a container, it could be the user and password to access the database. Notice that nothing prevents you from generating the correct URL to access the service directly from your test, or executing commands against the container, for example retrieving an internal file.

As is the case with Page Objects, the Container Object pattern gives you a mechanism to build a model that can be reused on several projects.

Before looking at how this pattern is implemented in Cube, let’s go through an example:

Suppose all your applications need to send a file to an FTP server. To write an integration/component test for your apps, you might need an FTP server to send the file to, and then check that the file was correctly sent. One way to implement such test is (i) by using Docker to start an FTP server just before executing the test, then (ii) execute the test using this docker container as the receiving FTP server, (iii) before stopping the container check that the file is present, and finally (iv) stop and destroy the container.

All these operations that involve the FTP server and container could be encapsulated inside a Container Object. This container object might contain the following information:

  • which image is used

  • IP and port bound to the host where the FTP server is running

  • user and password required to access the FTP server

  • methods for asserting the existence of a file inside the container

Test code will only interact with this object instead of directly hard coding all required information inside the test. Again, as in the Page Object pattern, any change on the container only affects the Container Object and not the test itself.

Now let’s see how Arquillian Cube implements the Container Object pattern.

12.1. Arquillian Cube and Container Object

Let’s see a simple example of how you can implement a Container Object in Cube. Suppose you want to create a container object that encapsulates a ping pong server running inside Docker. The Container Object will be a simple POJO with special annotations:
package org.superbiz.containerobject;

@Cube(value = "pingpong", portBinding = "5000->8080/tcp") (1)
public class PingPongContainer {

  @HostIp (2)
  String dockerHost;

  private int port;

  public URL getConnectionUrl() { (3)
    try {
      return new URL("http://" + dockerHost + ":" + port);
          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
1 The @Cube annotation configures the Container Object
2 A Container Object can be enriched with Arquillian enrichers
3 The Container Object hides how to connect to the PingPong server

The @Cube annotation is used to configure a Container Object. Its value property is used to specify how the started container will be named (in this example pingpong) while the portBinding property can be used to specify the port binding information for the container instance (in this case 5000→8080/tcp). Notice that portBinding can also accept an array, in which case more than one port binding definitions can be specified.

The next annotation is @CubeDockerFile, which configures how the container is created. This example will use a Dockerfile located at the default class path location. As the default location is the package+classname, in our example the Dockerfile should be placed at org/superbiz/containerobject/PingPongContainer. It is possible to set any other class path location by passing it as the value property of the @CubeDockerFile annotation.

The @CubeDockerFile annotation defines the location where the Dockerfile is found, not the file itself. This location must be reachable from the ClassLoader creating the container object, which means it should be on the class path for the class loader to be able to find it.

Any Cube can be enriched with any client side enricher. In the previous example a @HostIp enricher is used, but it could be enriched similarly with @CubeIp (which works similar to @HostPort), or a DockerClient instance if the field is annotated with @ArquillianResource.

Finally the @HostPort is used to translate the exposed port to the bound port. In this example the port value will be 5000. Later you will learn briefly why this annotation is important.

After creating the container object, you can start using it in your test:
public class PingPongTest {

    PingPongContainer pingPongContainer;

    public void shouldReturnOkAsPong() throws IOException {
        String pong = ping();
        assertThat(pong, containsString("OK"));
        assertThat(pingPongContainer.getConnectionPort(), is(5000));

The most important step in that test example is setting the Container Object as a field of the test class, and annotating it with @Cube. Before running a test, Arquillian will detect that it needs to (i) start a new Cube (Docker container), (ii) create the Container Object and (iii) inject it in the test. Notice that this @Cube annotation is exactly the same as the one used when you defined the Container Object. Placing a @Cube annotation on the field will allow you to override any property of the Container Object from the test side. Due to the override mechanism, it is important to use the @HostPort annotation when the bound port is needed, since it can be changed from the test definition.

The Container Object pattern only works in Client mode or Arquillian Standalone.

12.1.1. ShrinkWrap Dockerfile Descriptor

If you want you can use ShrinkWrap Dockerfile descriptor to create the Dockerfile file. First thing you need to do is adding shrinkwrap-descriptord-api-docker dependencies:



And in similar way you use @Deployment in Arquillian test, you can use @CubeDockerFile annotation in a public static method to define Dockerfile file and elements required for creating the container programmatically:
@Cube(value = "pingpong", portBinding = "5000->8080/tcp")
public class PingPongContainer {

  @CubeDockerFile (1)
  public static Archive<?> createContainer() { (2)
    String dockerDescriptor =   Descriptors.create(DockerDescriptor.class).from("jonmorehouse/ping-pong").exportAsString();
      return ShrinkWrap.create(GenericArchive.class)
                .add(new StringAsset(dockerDescriptor), "Dockerfile"); (3)
1 @CubeDockerFile annotation is used.
2 Method must be public and static.
3 Returns a GenericArchive with all elements required for building the Docker container instance.

As part of Arquillian Cube, we are providing a org.arquillian.cube.impl.shrinkwrap.asset.CacheUrlAsset asset. This asset is similar to org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.asset.UrlAsset, but the former caches to disk for an amount of time the content that has been downloaded from the URL. By default this expiration time is 1 hour, and it is configurable by using the proper constructor.

A Container Object can reference more Container Objects from inside of it. Effectively, a Container Object can be an aggregation of other Container Objects:
public class FirstContainerObject {

  @Cube("inner") (1)
  LinkContainerObject linkContainerObject;

1 Cube definition inside another Cube.

In this case Arquillian Cube will create a link from FirstContainerObject to LinkContainerObject with link value inner:inner.

Of course you can override the link value using @Link annotation.

TestLinkContainerObject linkContainerObject;

12.1.3. Image

So far, you’ve seen that a Container Object creates an instance from a Dockerfile using @CubeDockerFile annotation. You can also create a Container Object from an image by using @Image annotation:
public static class ImageContainerObject {

In this case Arquillian Cube will create containers based on the image defined in the annotation.

12.1.4. Environment

You can set environment variables using @Environment annotation at field or object level:

@Environment(key = "C", value = "D")
@Environment(key = "A", value = "B")
public class ImageContainer {

12.1.5. Volume

You can set environment variables using @Volume annotation at field or object level:

@Volume(hostPath = "/mypath", containerPath = "/containerPath")
@Volume(hostPath = "/mypath2", containerPath = "/containerPath2")
public class ImageContainer {

12.1.6. Creating container objects dynamically

Up to this point you have seen how to automatically inject Container Objects in tests. Arquillian Cube also allows creating container objects from code. In the next example, the original PingPongTest has been rewritten to create the Container Object inside the test method.
public class PingPongTest {

    ContainerObjectFactory factory; (1)

    CubeController cubeController;

    public void shouldReturnOkAsPong() throws IOException {
        PingPongContainer pingPongContainer =
            factory.createContainer(PingPongContainer.class); (2)
        try {
            String pong = ping();
            assertThat(pong, containsString("OK"));
            assertThat(pingPongContainer.getConnectionPort(), is(5000));
        } finally {
            cubeController.stop("pingpong"); (3)
1 A ContainerObjectFactory instance is injected into the test.
2 The injectect factory instance is used to instantiate a container object.
3 A CubeController could be used to stop the associated docker container.

Although declaring container objects as fields of a test class is preffered, as it offers better control of the lifecycle of the container, creating container objects dynamically allows controlling exactly in which moment in time and in which order the containers are created.

12.2. Arquillian Cube and Container Object DSL

Another option is using a generic container objects provided by Arquillian Cube to generate cube instances. Using this approach you gain in velocity at time of writing the definition, but on the other side it is harder to reuse them or providing custom operations like you can do in custom container objects.

With DSL you can generate container objects or network objects as well.

12.2.1. Container Objects DSL

To create a generic container object you only need to create a field of type org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.client.containerobject.dsl.Container and annotate it with @DockerContainer. Now you need to provide the full definition of the container using the DSL. Let’s see how to use it following the previous Ping Pong example.
@DockerContainer (1)
Container pingpong = Container.withContainerName("pingpong") (2)

public void should_return_ok_as_pong() throws IOException {
   String response = ping(pingpong.getIpAddress(), pingpong.getBindPort(8080)); (3)
1 Annotate field with DockerContainer
2 Start the DSL using withContainerName method
3 You can get Docker Host Ip address and binding port for given exposed port
In case you define more than one generic container and want to start them in a specfic order, there is order attribute in annotation to specify it. The higher the number, the sooner the container is started.
Container objects by default are started and stopped in class scope. To change it to method scope you can use .withConnectionMode call.
JUnit Rule

If you are using JUnit and want to use Container DSL builder approach, you can use JUnit Rule instead of Arquillian Runner.

To do use it you need to define the container object using an special JUnit Rule.
public static ContainerDslRule redis = new ContainerDslRule("redis:3.2.6")

Jedis jedis = new Jedis(redis.getIpAddress(), redis.getBindPort(6379));
jedis.set("foo", "bar");
You need to add org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-docker-junit-rule dependency.

In both approaches (Runner and JUnit Rule) of Container Object DSL way, star operator is supported.

public static ContainerDslRule redisStar = new ContainerDslRule("redis:3.2.6", "redis*")
JUnit 5

If you are using JUnit 5 and want to use Container DSL approach, you can use JUnit 5 Extension instead of Arquillian Runner.

To do use it you need to define the container object using ContainerDsl class and registering ContainerDslResolver.
public class RedisTest {

    private ContainerDsl redis = new ContainerDsl("redis:3.2.6")

If field is static, container is started and stopped just once. If not then it is started and stopped for each test method execution.

You need to add org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-docker-junit5 dependency.

12.2.2. Network Objects DSL

To create a network using DSL approach you only need to create a field of type org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.client.containerobject.dsl.Network and annotate it with org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.client.containerobject.dsl.DockerNetwork. Let’s see how to create a new network with default driver.
@DockerNetwork (1)
Network network = Network.withDefaultDriver("mynetwork").build(); (2)
1 Annotate field with DockerNetwork
2 Start the DSL using withDefaultDriver method
JUnit Rule

If you are using JUnit and want to use Network DSL builder approach, you can use JUnit Rule instead of Arquillian Runner.

To do use it you need to define the network object using an special JUnit Rule.
public static final NetworkDslRule network = new NetworkDslRule("mynetwork");
You need to add org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-docker-junit-rule dependency.
JUnit 5

If you are using JUnit 5 and want to use Network DSL approach, you can use JUnit 5 Extension instead of Arquillian Runner.

To do use it you need to define the network object using NetowrkDsl class and registering NetworkDslResolver.
public class NetworkTest {
    private NetworkDsl networkDsl = new NetworkDsl("mynetwork");

If field is static, network is created and destroyed just once. If not then it is created and destroyed for each test method execution.

You need to add org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-docker-junit5 dependency.

13. Arquillian Standalone and Cube

You can use Arquillian Standalone with Arquillian Cube too. Arquillian Standalone is a mode of Arquillian which allows you to use Arquillian but without deploying any application. Basically it means no @Deployment static method, and tests runs as client implicitly.

Running Arquillian Cube in Standalone mode means that Arquillian Cube starts all defined containers in the correct order. Internally Arquillian Cube implicitly defines the autostartContainers property (unless you define it), with regexp:.* expression, which means all containers will be created/started. If you want to avoid this behavior, you can set this property to [none]. As a result, Arquilian Cube will not auto-start any container and you will be responsible of starting manually each instance (using for example, the CubeController class) by your own.

Dependencies you need to set for Standalone mode are:

        <artifactId>arquillian-junit-standalone</artifactId> (1)
1 You need to change arquillian-junit-container to standalone.

14. Requirements Module

Arquillian Cube tries to adapt to docker installation you have. For example if you are running Docker in linux machine, Docker Cube is going to try to connect there. If it is in MacOS or Windows will try to use docker-machine, and if there is only one machine defined, it will use that one.

But sometimes this automatic resolutions are not possible, for example you have more than one docker machine installed/started, or you don’t know if the user is going to have one docker machine installed/started or more than one. In these cases you need to set using machineName property which docker machine you want to use.

The problem is that you don’t know if the environment were test is running will have this machine or not. If it doesn’t have then an exception will be thrown regarding cannot connect to given docker machine and test will fail.

Obviously this is not a failure, but test should be ignored. For this use case Arquillian Cube and other ones, Cube implements the requirements module. This module makes skip tests instead of failing in case of not meeting some environment expectations.

14.1. Example of environment requirements

With Requirements you can set if you want to skip tests if some environment or property variables are not set. This is useful for example if you require that DOCKER_HOST, DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY or DOCKER_CERT_PATH system or environment variable must be set.

Notice that Cube takes precedence these variables over configured in arquillian.xml.

To use it you need to add requirements dependency.


Then you can use an special runner or a JUnit rule. If you use Rule, the scope of annotations are only a test class, if you use the runner then annotations can be used in a suite level.

Let’s see how to use with Rule.

import org.arquillian.cube.requirement.RequiresSystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable;
import org.arquillian.cube.requirement.RequirementRule;

@RequiresSystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable(value = {"DOCKER_HOST"}) (1)
public class HelloWorldServletTest {

    @Rule (2)
    public RequirementRule requirementRule = new RequirementRule();


1 Checks if it is set a system property and if not environment variable with name DOCKER_HOST
2 Rule definition

But you can use the runner approach to use it suite level.

import org.arquillian.cube.requirement.RequiresSystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable;
import org.arquillian.cube.requirement.ArquillianConditionalRunner;

@RunWith(ArquillianConditionalRunner.class) (1)
@RequiresSystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable(value = {"DOCKER_HOST"}) (2)
public class HelloWorldServletTest {


1 Runner for requirements check
2 Checks if it is set a system property and if not environment variable with name DOCKER_HOST

Other annotations you can use are: RequiresEnvironmentVariable and RequiresSystemProperty which basically instead of checking as system property or environment variable, they only checks ones.

14.2. Example with Docker

But also there is an annotation in docker module for checking the environment against docker machine.

import org.arquillian.cube.requirement.ArquillianConditionalRunner;
import org.arquillian.cube.docker.impl.requirement.RequiresDockerMachine;

@RequiresDockerMachine(name = "dev") (1)
public class HelloWorldServletTest {

1 Docker machine requirement

Previous test will only be executed if in the environment where test is running has docker machine installed with a machine named dev.

14.3. Customizing Requirements

You can also implement your own requirement annotations. To do it you only need to do two things.

  • An annotation annotated with org.arquillian.cube.spi.requirement.Requires pointing to a class which implements org.arquillian.cube.spi.requirement.Requirement.

  • An implementation of org.arquillian.cube.spi.requirement.Requirement interface.

Let’s see an example of how to implement a requirement against docker version.
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
@Requires(DockerRequirement.class) (1)
public @interface RequiresDockerVersion {
    String name() default ""; (2)
1 Sets requirement interface
2 Attribute to set the required version

And the implementation logic:
public class DockerRequirement implements Requirement<RequiresDockerVersion> {

    public void check(RequiresDockerMachine context) throws UnsatisfiedRequirementException {
        String name =;
        if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) {
            String installedVersion = getDockerVersion();

            if (!name.equals(installedVersion)) {
                throw new UnsatisfiedRequirementException("Docker version not specified."); (1)
1 In case of not meeting an expectation, org.arquillian.cube.spi.requirement.UnsatisfiedRequirementException should be thrown with a message.

After that you can use this annotation as any other requirements provided by Cube.

15. Containerless Server and Docker

In all previous sections we have seen that the application is deployed inside a container. For example in case of Tomcat application, resources are deployed inside a Servlet container or for example in case of Apache TomEE you can deploy EJBs inside an EJB container.

But nowadays there other kind of applications that contains the container (if they have one) embedded inside them. Typically these applications uses an embedded server and they are run as CLI applications. Some examples can be Spring Boot, Netty, SparkJava or Undertow.

If you are using some of these technologies with Docker, you can still use Arquillian Cube to write your tests.

15.1. Java Embedded Servers

Let’s suppose we are writing a service which should return as text the current day and time. To serve this service to the world we decide to use undertow embedded server.

The code looks like:
import io.undertow.Undertow;
import io.undertow.server.HttpHandler;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class DaytimeServer {

  public static void main(String[] args) { (1)

      Undertow server = Undertow.builder()
              .addHttpListener(8080, "")
              .setHandler(new HttpHandler() {
                public void handleRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) throws Exception {
                    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat();
                    exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
                    exchange.getResponseSender().send(simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()) + System.lineSeparator()); (2)
1 This class is a CLI application.
2 Returns a text with the day and time formatted with SimpleDateFormat.

See that this application is a CLI application which is pretty different from previous examples. Previously the packaged application was deployed inside an application server, which in fact means that Arquillian connects to the server and tells it to deploy that file.

In this example there is no application server nor servlet server waiting for Arquillian to deploy an archive but the application is self-contained, it contains everything. So in fact if you want to run the application probably you will end up by doing something like java -jar daytime.jar.

So how to write a test for these classes if we are using Docker as runtime container?

The first thing to do is add arquillian-cube-containerless dependency.


Next step is creating a Dockerfile. This is required because we need to set not only the container image to be used but how to run the application. But see that there is a problem on creating a Dockerfile in this case. The jar name is not static because it will depend on the name you give during the creation of the archive (using Shrinkwrap). So in fact Dockerfile should be templaterized. And this is something that Arquillian Cube can do for you. The idea is creating a file called DockerfileTemplate.

FROM java:7

WORKDIR /usr/src/server
COPY ${deployableFilename} /usr/src/server/${deployableFilename} (1)
CMD ["java", "-jar", "${deployableFilename}"]
1 ${deployableFilname} will be replaced at runtime by the name of the jar file created by Shrinkwrap.

Then we need to touch arquillian.xml file by setting an special container definition so Arquillian doesn’t crash because of trying to deploy the archive into a none defined container.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="serverVersion">1.12</property>
    <property name="serverUri">http://localhost:2375</property>
    <property name="dockerContainers"> (1)
        buildImage: (2)
          dockerfileLocation: src/test/resources/undertow (3)
          noCache: true
          remove: true
          strategy: polling
        portBindings: [8080/tcp]

  <container qualifier="containerless" default="true"> (4)
        <property name="containerlessDocker">daytime</property> (5)
        <property name="embeddedPort">8080</property> (6)

1 The Docker container is defined as per usual.
2 buildImage attribute is used to define the dockerfile location.
3 This attribute sets the directory where the Dockerfile is stored. In fact in this case it is the directory where DockerfileTemplate file is stored.
4 A container provided by Arquillian Cube must be defined.
5 This property is used to set which container must be started.
6 This property sets the exposed port by the embedded server.
If containerless definition only contains only one image, it is not necessary to use containerlessDocker property. At the same time if the image only exposes one port, it is not necessary to use embeddedPort proeprty to set the port. So in previous example you could avoid using containerlessDocker and embeddedPort.

And finally the test:
public class DaytimeTest {

  private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System

  @Deployment(testable = false) (1)
  public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
      JavaArchive[] undertow = Maven.resolver().resolve("io.undertow:undertow-core:1.1.1.Final").withTransitivity().as(JavaArchive.class); (2)

      JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap
              .create(JavaArchive.class, "daytime.jar")
              .addClass(DaytimeServer.class); (3)

      for (JavaArchive javaArchive : undertow) { (4)

              new StringAsset(
                      "Main-Class: org.arquillian.cube.impl.containerless.DaytimeServer"
                              + LINE_SEPARATOR), "MANIFEST.MF"); (5)
      return jar;

  public void shouldReturnDateFromDaytimeServer(@ArquillianResource URL base) { (6)
      try (
              BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                    base.openStream()));) {
          String userInput = in.readLine();
          assertThat(userInput, notNullValue());
      } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
          fail("Don't know about host ");
      } catch (IOException e) {
          fail("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to ");
1 Tests should be run as-client.
2 ShrinkWrap Maven resolver gets all dependencies for Undertow.
3 Create a jar file called daytime.jar with DaytimeServer class.
4 Undertow dependencies are merged inside jar.
5 Because it is a runnable jar, MANIFEST is created accordantly.
6 Simple test.

16. Cube Docker Drone/Graphene Integration

16.1. Drone

The Arquillian Drone extension for Arquillian provides a simple way how to include functional tests for your application with a web-based user interface. Arquillian Drone brings the power of WebDriver into the Arquillian framework.

Arquillian Drone provides some features that make it better to use instead of plain WebDriver:

  • Life cycle management of the browser

  • Interaction with deployments and containers provided by Arquillian

  • Simple usage of multiple browsers in a single test

  • Configuration kept on a single place, outside of the Java code

  • Fully compatible with the IDE

  • Support for injection of Pages, PagesFragments, AJAX request guards and more via Arquillian Graphene 2

  • Integration with mobile based browsers testing (Arquillian Droidium)

  • Integration of JavaScript test suite execution (QUnit)

  • Compatible with WebDriver (Selenium 2) and Selenium Grids

You can read more about Drone at

16.1.1. Integration with Cube Docker

Arquillian Cube Docker is the Arquillian extension for managing Docker containers from your test.

Selenium offers Docker images for Selenium Standalone Server with Chrome or Firefox installed. You can check available the images at

With these images and using Selenium WebDriver you can run your functional tests for web UI applications without having to install any browser.

It seems logic an integration of Arquillian Drone with Cube, so you can use all powerful features of Drone, and let Cube configure Docker things for you.

This integration does next things for you:

  1. Inspect classpath to get selenium version used

  2. Starts a docker container with configured browser in Drone and same selenium version as your JARs. If not Firefox is used

  3. Provides a WebDriver that is able to connect to this container

  4. If configured (by default it is) a VNC recorder container is started so each test is recorded in a mp4 file.

16.1.2. Configuration

Apart from using Drone configuration properties for configuring browser, Cube Docker can be customized with some specific attributes:


Configures mode for recording. The valid values are: ALL, ONLY_FAILING, NONE. Default value is `ALL.


Directory where videos are stored. By default is target/reports/videos or if target does not exists build/reports/videos and if not creates a target/reports/videos by default.


Docker image to be used as custom browser image instead of the official one ( Notice that browser property will be used for setting WebDriver capabilities.


Dockerfile location to be used to built custom docker image instead of the official one. This property has preference over browserImage.


Sets the strategy for generating the container name. Valid values are STATIC, STATIC_PREFIX, RANDOM with the default being STATIC. STATIC will always use the same name, STATIC_PREFIX lets you define a prefix and enables running different tests in parallel and RANDOM generates a unique container name on every test run enabling running the same test in parallel.


The prefix for the STATIC_PREFIX container name strategy.


Use this to override the default docker registry with a user specified registry.

Your custom images must expose the webdriver port 4444 and if you plan to use VNC, expose the default port 5900 as well

An example of configuration might look like:

    <extension qualifier="cubedrone">
        <property name="recordingMode">NONE</property>

16.1.3. Example

For adding Drone Cube integration you only need a Cube project with a docker-compose or cube file only specifying business containers.

  image: dockercloud/hello-world
    - "80:80"

Configure the Cube extension:

<extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="machineName">dev</property> (1)
    <property name="dockerContainersFile">docker-compose.yml</property>
1 In case of using more than one docker machine instance, you need to set it manually.

And finally among cube dependencies, add the drone, selenium and cube-drone dependencies.



Full source code of usign custom image can be found at:

16.2. Graphene

Arquillian Graphene is a set of extensions for the WebDriver API, focused on rapid development and usability in a Java environment. Its API encourages people to write tests for AJAX-based web applications in a concise and maintainable way. Graphene strives for reusable tests by simplifying the use of web page abstractions (Page Objects and Page Fragments). You will get a taste of the Graphene API in just a minute!

16.2.1. Integration with Docker Cube

Arquillian Graphene depends on Drone to provide an instance of WebDriver, so everything that is valid in Integration with Cube Docker is also valid for Cube Graphene.

So what can offer Docker Cube integration to you?

Arquillian has in summary two operating modes:


runs tests without container integration, only lifecycle of extensions is managed allows to use Graphene independently of Arquillian containers and deployment management. In terms of implementation means a test without @Deployment method, so it means that the artifact is already created and running. In case of Docker Cube means that docker image has been already created with the artifact inside it. You are in standalone mode if you add the arquillian-junit-standalone artifact.


runs tests with container, managed lifecycle of container including deployment. In terms of Docekr Cube means that the deployment file is going to be deployed into a running Docker image. You are in standalone mode if you add the arquillian-junit-container artifact.

One of the things that Graphene offers to developers is to not have to worry about where the application is deployed by resolving automatically the host and the context of the application. In summary developer does not need to worry about calling webdriver.get(…​) method since it is automatically called by Graphene. Notice that this is a big difference with Drone where you need to call the get method Example.

This autoresolution only works in case of running with container mode since it knows everything from the point of view deployment. But in case of using Standalone mode, since it doesn’t know anything from deployment, you need to use url configuration property to set the url to use in webdriver.get(..) method.

<extension qualifier="graphene">
  <property name="url">http://localhost:8080/myapp</property> (1)
1 Base URL of WebDriver

The problem is that in case of using Docker Cube (and more specifically docker-machine/boot2docker) is that probably you don’t know the docker host at configuration time but in runtime. And this is where Docker Cube can help you when using Standalone mode.

16.2.2. URL configuration in Standalone mode

As noted in Graphene Configuration you need to configure the url parameter in case of using Graphene in Standalone mode. This is quite difficult to do it with Docker Cube because you need to set the docker host address and you might not know at configuration time. For this reason Docker Cube Graphene integration helps you on this following next rules:

url can use the dockerHost special word which will be replaced at runtime by docker host ip.

If url property starts with dockerHost resolution will be appended automatically at the start of the url.

Some examples (for now don’t think about ports since it is going to touch later):

Previous examples has not take into consideration port thing. The next thing to resolve is the port of the URL which in this case and since browser runs inside docker host means resolve exposed ports..

Port resolution follows next rules:

  • If url contains a port, that port is used. Notice that this port should be an exposed port.

  • If url has no port then 80 is used.

In most cases you are going to use:

<extension qualifier="graphene">
  <property name="url">http://helloworld:8080/myapp</property>

That configuration would be translated to http://<internalIpOfhelloworldContainer:8080/myapp and Graphene will use it as base for all WebDriver calls.

16.2.3. Example

Apart from adding arquillian, arquillian-drone, selenium-bom and arquillian-cube-docker-drone, obviously you also need to add the dependencies of Graphene.


You can see the same example we used in Drone but using Graphene at

17. Rest-Assured integration

Rest-Assured is a Java DSL for easy testing of REST services. An example of how to make a GET request and validate the JSON or XML response might be like:

get("/lotto").then().assertThat().body("lotto.lottoId", equalTo(5));

The problem with Rest Assured is that by default it assumes that host is localhost and port 8080. This might be perfect when not using Docker but when using docker this assumptions might not be the most typical.

For example you may use another bind port rather than 8080, you can expose 8080 port but bind to another port. Also you might run docker host in different ip rather than localhost, maybe because you are using docker machine or maybe because you are using an external docker host.

So in these cases you need to set in every request:

get("").then().assertThat().body("lotto.lottoId", equalTo(5));

or you can also configure Rest-Assured:

RestAssured.baseURI = "";
RestAssured.port = 5000;

or using RequestSpecBuilder

spec = new RequestSpecBuilder()

17.1. Why integration with Cube?

Previous approach works but it has some problems:

  • You need to repeat the same configuration properties in all tests you want to use Rest-Assured with Docker.

  • Requires some development interference of the developer, if it is running in docker machine needs to set one ip which might change in the future, or if running on native linux must be changed to localhost.

  • Any change on Rest-Assured configuration properties would make all tests fails.

To fix these problems, you can use Arquillian Cube Docker RestAssured integration which creates a RequestSpecBuilder with correct values set.

17.2. Configuration

17.2.1. Dependencies

To use Arquillian Cube RestAssured integration you only need to add as dependency.


17.2.2. Configuration Parameters

By default, if your scenario is not complex you don’t need to configure anything else, but this extension also contains some configuration parameters that can be used.

Attribute Default Value Description



It is the base uri used in RestAssured. You can set an specific value or not set and let extension to configure it by default using auto-resolution system.



Schema used in case of auto-resolution of baseUri


If from all running containers there is only one binding port (notice that exposed ports are not bound if not specified), then this is the value used. If there are more than one binding port then an exception is thrown.

Port to be used for communicating with docker host. By default this port must be the exposed port used in port binding. The extension will resolve for given exposed port which is the binding port. If it is not found then exposed port will be assumed as binding port too. For example using -p 8080:80 you need to set this property to 80 and extension will resolve to 8080.


If you want to use auto-resolution of the port attribute you might want to exclude that extension searches for binding ports in some containers (for example monitoring containers). This is a CSV property to set container names of al of them.


Base path (context) of the application


Configures RestAssured to use relaxed https validation. If attribute is present but with no value then it is applied to all protocols. If you put an string, only this protocol will be applied the relaxed rules.


Sets the authentication scheme. Possible values are: * basic:username:password for basic auth. * form:username:password for from auth. * preemptive:username:password. * certificate:url:password for cert auth. * digest:username:password for digest auth. * oauth:consumerKey:consumerSecret:accessToken:secretToken for oauth 1. * oauth2:accessToken for oauth 2.

For example:

<extension qualifier="restassured">
    <property name="port">80</property>
You can set any extension property using system properties or environment variables, this can be really helpful in case of setting authentication scheme and sensitive data. For example arq.extension.restassured.basePath=helloworld for setting basePath property.

You can also use @DockerUrl enrichment for configuring the RequestSpecBuilder instead of relaying to arquillian.xml.

@DockerUrl(containerName = "pingpong", exposedPort = 8080)
RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder;

17.2.3. Example

After setting the dependency and configuring the extension if required you can write your Arquillian Cube test as usually and use RestAssured without configuring it:

With next docker compose file which starts a ping pong server listening at root context:

  image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
    - "5000:8080"

You only need to do:
public class PingPongTest {

    @DockerUrl(containerName = "helloworld", exposedPort = 8080)
    RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder;

    public void should_receive_ok_message() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {
            .assertThat().body("status", equalTo("OK"));


Notice that no ip nor port configuration are required since everything is managed and configured by Cube.

18. Arquillian Reporter integration

Arquillian Reporter ( project brings neat reports of your Arquillian tests.

Check Arquillian Reporter website to see the kind of reports you can generate and how to configure it.

Arquillian Cube integrates with Arquillian Reporter to provide in these reports some information about Cube environment.

To integrate Cube with Reporter, you only need to add arquillian reporter’s depchain dependency:


After that all cubes information will be added in the report. Cubes are elements that are deployed into a system, for example a Pod or a Docker container.

For example in case of a Docker Cube it will report start and stop duration time, if it has failed or not and some container properties like ports, links, image name, entrypoint, network …​.

18.1. Arquillian Cube Docker Reporter

In previous section you’ve read that by just adding reporter dependency, you get integration between cube and reporter and some information about cube (for example a docker container) is reported.

But sometimes you need more information about the system and not each cube individually. For this reason there is a docker cube reporter integration that adds on the report information specific to docker environment like the composition used during deployment or docker host information.

For this reason if you add next dependency too:


Information about docker host and an schema of docker compositions will be added in the report.

18.2. Arquillian Cube Docker Drone Integration

In Cube Docker Drone/Graphene Integration you’ve read that you can execute web UI tests inside a docker container which contains the browser. Also an screencast is recorded so you can review lately what has happened inside the container.

If you add previous dependency arquillian-cube-docker-reporter and arquillian-reporter-depchain in a cube docker drone project, then the report will contain the screencasts as well in the report, so you can play from the report the recordings as well.

18.3. Arquillian Cube Docker RestAssured Integration

If you add arquillian-cube-docker-reporter and arquillian-reporter-depchain in a cube docker RestAssured project, then the report will contain the request and response logs for all test methods.

18.4. Arquillian Cube Kubernetes Reporter

There is a arquillian cube kubernetes reporter integration that give report information about resources configuration and kubernetes session i.e. Namespace, Master URL, Replication Controllers, Pods, Services etc.

For this reason you have to add following dependency:


19. Polyglot Applications

In previous section we have seen that we can test any java CLI application that offers a socket connection. But if you think clearly there is nothing that avoid Arquillian Cube to deploy applications developed in other languages like Node.js, Play, Ruby on Rails, …​

Let’s see an example on how you can use Arquillian Cube to test a Node.js hello world application.

First thing to do is create the Node.js application.

  "name": "helloworld-server",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "A NodeJS webserver to run inside a docker container",
  "author": "",
  "license": "APLv2",
  "dependencies": {
      "express": "*"
  "scripts": {"start": "node index.js"}
var express = require('express');

var app = express();

app.get('/', function(req, res){
  res.send('Hello from inside a container!');


Then we need to define a DockerfileTemplate as we did for Undertow.

FROM node:0.11.14

RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app

ADD ${deployableFilename} /usr/src/app (1)
RUN npm install

CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
1 We need to use ADD command adding the deployed file instead of COPY. We are going to see why below.

Finally the arquillian.xml configuration file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="docker">
    <property name="serverVersion">1.12</property>
    <property name="serverUri">http://localhost:2375</property>
    <property name="dockerContainers">
            dockerfileLocation: src/test/resources/node
            noCache: true
            remove: true
            strategy: polling
          portBindings: [8080/tcp]

  <container qualifier="containerless" default="true">
      <property name="containerlessDocker">node</property> (1)
      <property name="embeddedPort">8080</property>

1 This property is used to set which container must be started. In this case node.
If containerless definition only contains only one image, it is not necessary to use containerlessDocker property. At the same time if the image only exposes one port, it is not necessary to use embeddedPort proeprty to set the port. So in previous example you could avoid using containerlessDocker and embeddedPort.

And finally the Arquillian test.
public class NodeTest {

  @Deployment(testable = false) (1)
  public static GenericArchive createDeployment() {
    return ShrinkWrap.create(GenericArchive.class, "app.tar") (2)
            .add(new ClassLoaderAsset("index.js"), "index.js")
            .add(new ClassLoaderAsset("package.json"), "package.json");

  public void shouldReturnMessageFromNodeJs(@ArquillianResource URL base) { (3)
    try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            base.openStream()));) {
        String userInput = in.readLine();
        assertThat(userInput, is("Hello from inside a container!"));
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        fail("Don't know about host ");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        fail("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to ");
1 Tests should be run as-client.
2 GenericArchive with tar extension must be created using Shrinkwrap.
3 Simple test.
GenericArchive must end with tar extension because it is expected by Arquillian Cube. When you use ADD in Dockerfile, Docker will untar automatically the file to given location.

20. Kubernetes

The kubernetes extension helps you write and run integration tests for your Kubernetes/Openshift application.

20.1. Overview

This extension will create and manage one temporary namespace for your tests, apply all Kubernetes resources required to create your environment and once everything is ready it will run your tests. The tests will be enriched with resources required to access services. Finally when testing is over it will cleanup everything.

In addition to the main testing namespace additional secondary namespaces could be used during testing. Cube would not modify them, but tests could be enriched with resources from secondary namespaces to access services in them in case you need to verify changes made by services you are testing.

This extension will neither mutate your containers (by deploying, reconfiguring etc) nor your Kubernetes resources and takes a black box approach to testing.

20.2. Modules

The main modules of this extension are the following:

  • Kubernetes

  • Openshift

  • Fabric8 Microservices Platform (Fabric8 label and annotation support)

20.3. Features

  • Hybrid (in or out of Kubernetes/Openshift)

  • Advanced namespace management

  • Dependency management (for maven based projects)

  • Auto align with Docker Registry

  • Enrichers for:

    • Kubernetes/Openshift client

    • Pods

    • Replication Controllers

    • Services

  • Integration with Fabric8 Modules:

  • "Bring your own client" support

20.4. Pre-requisites

  • To use kubernetes extension, your host should have running kubernetes cluster.

  • To use openshift extension, your host should have running openshift cluster.

20.5. Setup

To use Kubernetes extension you need to register next dependency in your build tool: org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-kubernetes:${version}.

To use OpenShift extension you need to register next dependency in your build tool: org.arquillian.cube:arquillian-cube-openshift:${version}.

20.6. Configuring the extension

The plugin can be configured using the traditional arquillian.xml, via system properties or environment variables (in that particular order). Which means that for every supported configuration parameter, the arquillian.xml will be looked up first, if it doesn’t contain an entry, the system properties will be used. If no result has been found so far the environment variables will be used.

Note: When checking for environment variables, property names will get capitalized, and symbols like "." will be converted to "_". For example will be converted to FOO_BAR_BAZ.

20.6.1. Kubernetes Configuration Parameters

You can configure Kubernetes by using any of the next configuration properties in arquillian.xml.

<extension qualifier="kubernetes">
Options Type Env Description




The URL to the Kubernetes master




Username to log in server




Password to log in server




Bearer token for authentication to the API server




Version for API server



Boolean to trust Certificate




Domain to use for creating routes for services




The docker registry


Boolean (false)


Don’t generate a testing namespace use the current instead




Don’t generate a testing namespace use the specified one instead


String (itest)


If you don’t specify a testing namespace, a random one will be created, with this prefix


Bool (true)


Should the specified testing namespace be created if not exists, or throw exception?


Bool (true)


Flag to destroy the testing namespace after the end of the test suite


Bool (false)


Flag to ask for confirmation to delete the testing namespace




Time to wait before destroying the testing namespace


Bool (true)


Flag to clean (delete resources) the testing namespace after the end of the test suite


Bool (false)


Flag to ask for confirmation to clean the testing namespace




Time to wait when cleaning up the testing namespace


Bool (true)


Flag to initialize the environment (apply kubernetes resources)




URL to the Kubernetes JSON/YAML (defaults to classpath resource kubernetes.json)



Option to select a different classpath resource (other than kubernetes.json)




Option to select a shell script that will setup the environment




Option to select a shell script to tear down / cleanup the environment




Comma-separated list of URLs to more environment dependencies kubernetes.json


Bool (true)


Whether to wait until the env is ready


Long (5mins)


The total amount of time to wait until the env is ready


Long (5secs)


The poll interval to use for checking if the environment is ready




Comma-separated list of additional services to wait upon


Bool (true)


Flag to enable colorful output

Bool (true)


Fully qualified class name of a kubernetes client creator class (byon)


Bool (false)


Whether to capture the pods logs and save them into the filesystem - as individual files, one for each pod. Filenames will be "ClassName-[MethodName-]-PodName[-ContainerName].log". If the pod has multiple containers, one log file for each container will be created. Kubernetes events (kubectl get events) will also be captured if this flag is enabled. Filenames will end with -KUBE_EVENTS.log




Directory where to save the pods logs. Defaults to "target/surefire-reports".

20.6.2. Openshift Configuration Parameters

When using OpenShift you can use arquillian.xml to configure ANY of the configuration properties introduced at Kubernetes Configuration Parameters mixed with some specific configuration parameters related to OpenShift. In cas of using OpenShift, then you need to use openshift qualifier instead of kubernetes, but as noticed in previous paragraph you can use it to set any Kubernetes configuration parameters as well.

<extension qualifier="openshift">
Option Type Env Description




Comma Separated List of Pods which you want to auto start




Definitions file path




Comma Separated List following Pod:containerPort OR Pod:MappedPort:ContainerPort


Bool (true)


Enable detecting ImageStream resources located at target/XXX-is.(json/yaml)


String (


If using port forwarding you can set the host




URL where template is stored. This template is executed before any execution




Sets a comma separated value of template labels in form <key>=<value>




Sets a comma separated value of template parameters in form <key>=<value>


Bool (true)


Sets if templates must be processed or not


Int (1)


If @AwaitRoute is used, this option specifies how many times in a row the route must respond successfully to be considered available; useful in environments where the route intermittently fails for a short while at the beginning

20.6.3. Openshift DNS Naming Service

The OpenShift module provides a easy way to run tests against your public application’s route. The Arquillian Naming Service allows you to run tests annotated with @RunsAsClient without have to add the routes manually to your /etc/hosts to make its name resolvable. The arquillian Cube generates a custom namespaces prefix that will be used to define the application’s route when running your tests against an OpenShift instance, even if you specify a namespace manually it will be transparent and the application’s endpoint will be resolvable within your java tests.

To use it, you need to setup your tests to use the ArquillianNameService, you can either configure it inside your test or by setting a System properties.

Configuring inside a test class:
public void prepareEnv(){
    System.setProperty("", "dns,ArquillianCubeNameService");

Or just setting the following System Properties:,ArquillianCubeNameService

20.6.4. OpenShift Annotations

OpenShift extension comes with some annotations that let you define resources at test level instead of globally.


A template describes a set of objects that can be parameterized and processed to produce a list of objects for creation by OpenShift.

You can set template location as configuration parameter or using @Template annotation at class level.

Here’s a small example:

@Template(url = "classpath:hello-openshift.yaml",
          parameters = @TemplateParameter(name = "RESPONSE", value = "Hello from Arquillian Template"))
public class HelloWorldTemplateIT {

    private URL url;

    public void should_create_class_template_resources() throws IOException {

    @Template(url = "",
        parameters = @TemplateParameter(name = "ROUTE_NAME", value = "hello-openshift-method-route"))
    public void should_create_method_template_resources(
        @RouteURL("hello-openshift-method-route") @AwaitRoute URL routeUrl)
        throws IOException {

    private void verifyResponse(URL url) throws IOException {
        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
        Request request = new Request.Builder().get().url(url).build();
        Response response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute();

        assertThat(response.body().string()).isEqualTo("Hello from Arquillian Template\n");

However in @Template, url can be set using url = or using url = "classpath:hello-openshift.yaml" if template is on Test class path.


You can apply OpenShift resources files before test execution. These resources creation are meant to be used for resources that aren’t tied to a living thing. Examples of these are service accounts, credentials, routes, …​

The value can either be:

You can use @OpenShiftResource either at class level which implies that resource is created before test class execution and they are deleted after class execution or at method level which implies that resources are created and deleted after each test method execution.


The @OpenShiftResource annotation makes it possible to add image stream definitions. To run some specific tests we need to be able to override the image stream definition and point to the container image we want to test. Very often these images are stored in insecure registries and the tags applied are different (in many cases newer) than expected by the original image stream definition.

For this purpose the @OpenShiftDynamicImageStreamResource was created. We can create an image stream definition by providing only required information, without the need to construct the JSON or YAML object expected by OpenShift. Required resource will be created dynamically and deployed in OpenShift together with other resources.

Parameter Description


Image stream name


Image stream version


Image name with registry and tag


If the registry is insecure, by default true
    @Template(url = "${template.repository:jboss-openshift}/application-templates/${template.branch:master}/eap/eap71-sso-s2i.json")
    @OpenShiftDynamicImageStreamResource(name = "${}", image = "${}", version = "${imageStream.eap64.version:1.8}")
    public class OpenShiftDynamicImageStreamResourceTest {

      public void testStuff() throws Exception {
       //Do stuff...

20.7. Namespaces

The default behavior of the extension is to create a unique testing namespace per test suite. The namespace is created Before the suite is started and destroyed in the end. For debugging purposes, you can set the namespace.cleanup.enabled and namespace.destroy.enabled to false and keep the testing namespace around.

In other cases you may find it useful to manually create and manage the environment rather than having arquillian do that for you. In this case you can use the namespace.use.existing option to select an existing testing namespace. This option goes hand in hand with env.init.enabled which can be used to prevent the extension from modifying the environment.

Last but not least, you can just tell arquillian, that you are going to use the current namespace as testing namespace. In this case, arquillian cube will delegate to Kubernetes Client that in turn will use:

  • ~/.kube/config

  • /var/run/secrets/

  • the KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE environmnet variable

to determine the current testing namespace.

In addition to the primary testing namespace a number of secondary namespaces could participate in tests, but only as a possible location of resources needed to be accessed during tests, usually with verifying purpose. When the service you are testing made some changes in state of services in another namespaces, you can specify the secondary namespace in a field of @Named annotation to reach them.

Necessary configuration to avoid permission conflicts for creating namespaces.

  1. When using Minishift to spin up a local Kubernetes cluster, login in as admin to create the default namespace or use current or existing namespace configured using properties namespace.use.current and namespace.use.existing respectively if logged in as any other user.

  2. In case of remote cluster use current or existing namespace for the user authenticated by token using property cube.auth.token or by username and password using properties cube.username and cube.password respectively. The properties can be set in arquillian.xml as shown in the snippet below or as system properties with the latter taking precedence.

<!-- configuring remote cluster -->

<property name="namespace.use.existing">existing-namespace</property>
<property name="kubernetes.master"></property>

<property name="cube.auth.token">token</property>
<!-- OR -->
<property name="cube.username">username</property>
<property name="cube.password">password</property>

20.8. Creating the environment

After creating or selecting an existing namespace, the next step is the environment preparation. This is the stage where all the required Kubernetes configuration will be applied.

20.8.1. How to run kubernetes with multiple configuration files?

  1. Out of the box, the extension will use the classpath and try to find a resource named kubernetes.json or kubernetes.yaml*. The name of the resource can be changed using the Of course it is also possible to specify an external resource by URL using the env.config.url.

  2. While finding resource in classpath with property, cube will look into classpath with given name, if not found, then cube will continue to look into classpath under META-INF/fabric8/ directory. Using this you can put multiple resources(openshift.json, openshift.yml) inside META-INF/fabric8, and choose only required one by specifying property.

  3. Either way, it is possible that the kubernetes configuration used, depends on other configurations. It is also possible that your environment configuration is split in multiple files. To cover cases like this the env.dependencies is provided which accepts a comma-separated list of URLs.

  4. There are cases, where instead of specifying the resources, you want to specify some shell scripts that will setup the environment. For those cases you can use the env.setup.script.url / env.teardown.script.url to pass the scripts for setting up and tearing down the environment. Note that these scripts are going to be called right after the namespace is created and cleaned up respectively. Both scripts will be executed using visible environment variables the following:





    • all host environment variables

    • all environment variables in arquillian.xml via env.script.env (as properties).

(You can use any custom URL provided the appropriate URL stream handler.)

Note: Out of the box mvn urls are supported, so you can use values like: mvn:my.groupId/artifactId/1.0.0/json/kubernetes (work in progress)

Also: If your project is using maven and dependencies like the above are expressed in the pom, the will be used automatically. (work in progress)

Arquillian Cube Kubernetes needs to authenticate into Kubernetes. To do it, Cube reads from ~/.kube/config user information (token, password).

For example in case of OpenShift you can use oc login --username=admin --password=admin for creating a token for connecting as admin, or oc config set-credentials myself --username=admin --password=admin for statically adding the username and password and communicate with Kubernetes to update the ~/.kube/config file with the info provided.

You can read more about Kubernetes config file at

20.9. Readiness and waiting

Creating an environment does not guarantee its readiness. For example a Docker image may be required to get pulled by a remote repository and this make take even several minutes. Running a test against a Pod which is not Running state is pretty much pointless, so we need to wait until everything is ready.

This extension will wait up to wait.timeout until everything is up and running. Everything? It will wait for all Pods and Service (that were created during the test suite initialization) to become ready. It will poll them every wait.poll.interval milliseconds. For services there is also the option to perform a simple "connection test" by setting the flag wait.for.service.connection.enabled to true. In this case it will not just wait for the service to be ready, but also to be usable/connectable.

20.10. Immutable infrastructure and integration testing

As mentioned in the overview, this extension will not try to deploy your tests, inside an application container. It doesn’t need nor want to know what runs inside your docker containers, nor will try to mess with it. It doesn’t even need to run inside Kubernetes (it can just run in your laptop and talk to the kubernetes master).

So what exactly is your test case going to test?

The test cases are meant to consume and test the provided services and assert that the environment is in the expected state.

The test case may obtain everything it needs, by accessing the Kubernetes resources that are provided by the plugin as @ArquillianResources (see resource providers below).

20.11. Resource Providers

The resource providers available, can be used to inject to your test cases the following resources:

  • A kubernetes client as an instance of KubernetesClient

  • Session object that contains information (e.g. the testing namespace) or the uuid of the test session.

  • Deployments (by id or as a list of all deployments created during the session, optionally filtered by label)

  • Pods (by id or as a list of all pods created during the session, optionally filtered by label)

  • Replication Controllers (by id or as a list of all replication controllers created during the session, optionally filtered by label)

  • Replica Sets (by id or as a list of all replica sets created during the session, optionally filtered by label)

  • Services (by id or as a list of all services created during the session, optionally filtered by label)

The Openshift extension also provides:

  • Deployment Configs (by id or as a list of all deployment configs created during the session)

Here’s a small example:
    public class ExampleTest {

     KubernetesClient client;

     Session session;

      public void testAtLeastOnePod() throws Exception {

The test code above, demonstrates how you can inject an use inside your test the KubernetesClient and the Session object. It also demonstrates the use of kubernetes-assertions which is a nice little library based on assert4j for performing assertions on top of the Kubernetes model.

Also, you can gather control of what to deploy, when to deploy or when to wait for resources readiness. To control you need to inject into test the org.arquillian.cube.kubernetes.impl.KubernetesAssistant.

public class HelloWorldKubernetesAssistantTest {

    private KubernetesAssistant kubernetesAssistant;

    public void should_inject_kubernetes_assistant() {

    public void should_apply_route_programmatically() throws IOException {
        kubernetesAssistant.deployApplication("hello-world");                           (1)
        Optional<URL> serviceUrl = kubernetesAssistant.getServiceUrl("hello-world");    (2)

        OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
        Request request = new Request.Builder().get().url(serviceUrl.get()).build();
        Response response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute();

        assertThat(response.body().string()).isEqualTo("Hello OpenShift!\n");
1 Sets the application name where everything is deployed.
2 You can get the url of the deployed service on the cluster.

The next example is intended to show how you can inject a resource by id.
    public class ResourceByIdTest {

     Service service;

     Pod pod;

     ReplicationController controller;

      public void testStuff() throws Exception {
       //Do stuff...

The next example is intended to show how you can inject a resource from secondary namespace.
    public class ResourceByIdInSecondaryNamespaceTest {

     @Named(value = "my-service", namespace = "my-predefined-namespace")
     Service service;

     @Named(value = "my-pod", namespace = "my-predefined-namespace")
     Pod pod;

     @Named(value = "my-contoller", namespace = "my-predefined-namespace")
     ReplicationController controller;

      public void testStuff() throws Exception {
       //Do stuff...

The next example shows how to inject a resource filtering by label.
    public class ResourceByLabelTest {

     @WithLabel(name="app", value="my-app")
     Service service;

     @WithLabel(name="app", value="my-app")
     Pod pod;

     @WithLabel(name="app", value="my-app")
     ReplicationController controller;

      public void testStuff() throws Exception {
       //Do stuff...

The next example is intended to how you can inject a resource list.
    public class ResourceListExample {

     ServiceList services;

     PodList pods;

     ReplicationControllerList controllers;

      public void testStuff() throws Exception {
       //Do stuff...

Now let’s see how can you inject OpenShift Client Service.
public class HelloWorldTest {

    Service service;

    URL url;

    @Named(value = "another-openshift-service", namespace = "my-predefined-namespace")
    Service anotherService;

    @Named(value = "another-openshift-service", namespace = "my-predefined-namespace")
    URL anotherUrl;

    public void service_instances_should_not_be_null() throws Exception {

    public void testStuff() throws Exception {
        //Do stuff...
        //Modify something with request to url...
        //Check results with request to anotherUrl...

In case of OpenShift, test can be enriched with OpenShiftClient.
public class HelloWorldTest {

    OpenShiftClient client;


Also you can gather control of what to deploy, when to deploy or when to wait for resources readiness. To control you need to inject into test the org.arquillian.cube.openshift.impl.client.OpenShiftAssistant.

public class HelloWorldOpenShiftAssistantTest {

    OpenShiftAssistant openShiftAssistant;

     public void should_apply_route_programmatically() throws IOException {

         openShiftAssistant.deployApplication("hello-world", "hello-route.json");  (1) (2)
         final Optional<URL> route = openShiftAssistant.getRoute(); (3)

1 Sets the application name where everything is deployed
2 Sets the resource to apply, in this case creation of an OpenShift route
3 You can get the first defined route from cluster

Let’s see how can you execute oc or kubectl commands as a part of your test.
public class HelloWorldIT {

    private static CommandExecutor commandExecutor = new CommandExecutor();

    public void should_be_able_get_namespace_using_kubectl() {
        // when
        final List<String> output = commandExecutor.execCommand("kubectl get ns -o jsonpath='{}'");

        final String firstLine = output.get(0);
        final String[] namespaces = firstLine.substring(1, firstLine.length() - 1).split(" ");

        // then

    public void should_be_able_deploy_resources_using_oc() {
        // given
        String commandToExecute = "oc create -f " + getResource("openshift.json");

        // when
        final List<String> resources = commandExecutor.execCommand(commandToExecute);

        // then
        assertThat(resources).contains("service \"hello-world\" created", "deployment \"hello-world\" created");

    public static void deleteDeployment() {
        String commandToExecute = "oc delete -f " + getResource("openshift.json");
        final List<String> strings = commandExecutor.execCommand(commandToExecute);

        assertThat(strings).contains("service \"hello-world\" deleted", "deployment \"hello-world\" deleted");

    private static String getResource(String resourceName) {
        final URL resource = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(resourceName);
        if (resource == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + resourceName + " to be on the classpath");

        try {
            return resource.toURI().getPath();
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

20.12. OpenShift Integration with Graphene

Integration with Graphene allows for auto-resolution of the host and the context of the application deployed within the OpenShift cluster by using the cluster’s route definition for configuring Graphene.

In case, multiple routes are defined, user can select a route, by setting the route name as the host part in the URL property for Graphene.

For example, as shown in the below snippet (1), a route named hello-world is selected for configuring the URL for graphene.

<extension qualifier="graphene">
    <property name="url">http://hello-world:8080</property>   (1)

If there is a single route or no route name is set, a default route from the definition is used for Graphene configuration.

20.12.1. Example

Apart from adding arquillian and arquillian-cube-openshift, obviously you also need to add the dependencies for arquillian-drone, selenium-bom and aquillian-graphene.

        <!-- arquillian-drone-bom dependencies -->

        <!-- selenium-bom dependencies -->

<!-- arquillian-drone webdriver dependency -->

<!-- arquillian-graphene dependencies -->

Also, you can learn more about Graphene at .

20.13. OpenShift Integration with Rest-Assured

Integration with Rest-Assured allows for auto-resolution of the base URI of the application deployed within the OpenShift cluster by using OpenShift Route definition for configuring Rest-Assured.

20.13.1. Configuration

You can configure a specific base URI using the baseUri property from restassured configuration. In this case, the hostname is going to be resolved as OpenShift route name, and if there is no route with that name, then the base URI is treated as is. For example:

  <extension qualifier="restassured">
    <property name="baseUri">http://hello-openshift</property>   (1)

As shown in the above snippet example (1), this integration will try to find an OpenShift route with name hello-world and inject its IP. If there is no route with that name, then the base URI field is considered to be the final base URI.

If however, no specific base URI is configured, a default route from the definition is used for rest-assured configuration.

20.13.2. Dependency

To use Arquillian Cube OpenShift RestAssured integration you only need to add as dependency.


20.13.3. Example

After setting the dependencies for OpenShift and OpenShift-RestAssured and configuring the extensions, you are all set to write your Arquillian Cube test as :
public class HelloOpenShiftRestAssuredIT {

    RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder;

    public void testGreetingEndpoint() {
            .body(containsString("Hello OpenShift!"));

Notice that no ip nor port configuration are required since everything is managed and configured by Cube.

You can see the full example using OpenShift and Rest-Assured at .

20.14. Istio in Kubernetes/OpenShift

Arquillian Cube also support Istio, so you can apply Istio resources before executing tests.

As it happens with Arquillian Kubernetes/OpenShift integration, the integration is provided as annotation and as assistant.

20.14.1. Dependency

To use Istio integration you just need to add next dependency.

Same dependency can be used for OpenShift

20.14.2. @IstioResource

You can define at a class or method level which Istio resource to apply before any test class or method execution. Those resources will be unregistered after all corresponding test class or methods are executed.

The location of Istio Resource can start with http(s): or file: which then the value is treated as URL. If location is prefixed with `classpath:, then the resource is considered to be located at classpath.

If it is not prefixed, then the resource is considered to be the content text.

For example: @IstioResource("classpath:istio_route_rule.yaml")

The value also supports like ${property:defaultValue} where `property is resolved against system property, if not set then environment variable, and if not set the default value (if specified) is returned.

When applying any resource, Istio notifies that the resource has been correctly registered, but this does not mean that all the configuration has been populated across all the cluster.

This means that when test method is executed, all Istio elements might not be updated yet. At this time, Istio does not cover to query its state, so the only thing you can do is either sleeping some amount of time before executing the test or create some polling against a service that should be reachable after applying the rule.

Istio Assistant provides some helper methd based on awaitility and OkHttp.

20.14.3. @RestoreIstioResource

Same as @IstioResource, there is a @RestoreIstioResource which is applied after execution (test class or test method depending on the scope).

20.14.4. Istio Assistant

You can register and unregister Istio resources programmatically using IstioAssistant. Notice that both annotations and assistant approaches can be mixed in the same test.

private IstioAssistant istioAssistant;

The assistant provides you deployIstioResources and undeployIstioResources to deploy and undeploy Istio resources.

Assistant also provides a helper method to poll a URL based on awaitility and OkHttp.

For example:

final Request request = new Request.Builder()
    .url(url.toString() + "api/v1/products/0/reviews")
    .addHeader("Cookie", "user=alex; Domain=" + url.getHost() +"; Path=/")
    .build(); (1)

istioAssistant.await(request, response -> "2.0.0".equals(response.header("version"))); (2)
1 Creates the request to reach version 2.0.0 of the service
2 When all proxies are updated the request will finally get service 2 (instead of 1) and return the version in header

20.15. Arquillian Kubernetes and OpenShift Recipes

To help you get started with ease, listed below are specially curated examples for Kubernetes and OpenShift Extensions.

20.15.1. Example 1

Deploying a sample PHP Guestbook application with Redis on Kubernetes from the resource descriptor manifest file and testing it using Arquillian Cube Extension for Kubernetes and Kubernetes custom assertions.

20.15.2. Example 2

Deploying a Wordpress and My SQL application to OpenShift from a Template file and testing it using Arquillian Cube Extension for OpenShift and Fabric8 OpenShift Client.

20.15.3. Example 3

Building and deploying a sample SpringBoot GuestBook application with zero deployment configuration using Fabric8 Maven Plugin and Arquillian Cube Extension.

Fabric8 Maven Plugin aids in building Docker images and creating Kubernetes and OpenShift resource descriptors for the application that allows for a quick ramp-up with some opinionated defaults and Arquillian Cube Extension deploys the application from the generated resource descriptors and then executes deployment tests.

20.16. Dealing with version conflicts

Arquillian Cube Kubernetes and Openshift modules, heavily rely on the Fabric8 Kubernetes/Openshift client. This client is also used in wide range of frameworks, so its not that long of a shot to encounter version conflicts.

To eliminate such issues, arquillian as of 1.1.0 is using a shaded uberjar of the client which contains versioned package (with major and minor version).

All enrichers provided by the arquillian modules, are configured to work both with the internal types, but also with whatever version of the client that is found in the classpath.

If your existing tests don’t have a dependency to the kubernetes-client, you will either need to add kubernetes-client, to your classpath or use the internal classes. It is recommended to do the first.

21. Fabric8

The Fabric8 extension can be used along with the Kubernetes extension to provide a tighter integration with the Fabric8 Microservices Platform

21.1. Additional Features

21.2. Fabric8 Maven Plugin Integration With Cube

If you are using fabric8-maven-plugin to build images, generate resources and deploy your application to cluster, then you should use the same approach for integration testing using cube.

However there is way to build images and generate resources using fabric8-maven-plugin as a part of test execution. If you enable property, cube will build image and generate resources for you by running embedded maven build as per options provided in arquillian.xml using mvn package fabric8:build fabric8:resource -Dfabric8.namespace=${namespace_configured_for_cube}.

You can use following configuration options with kubernetes and openshift extension to enable fabric8 maven plugin build in test execution.

Configuration Options

Options Type Env Description

Bool (false)


Whether to generate resources using fmp when running test from Maven or IDE

Bool (false)


Whether to generate resources using fmp only when running test from IDE, not from maven




Path to pom.xml where fmp plugin configuration is present. Defaults to pom.xml



Parameters used to start up the JVM running Embedded Maven and can be used to supply additional options to Embedded Maven.


Bool (false)


Whether to show debug output(-X) for generating resources using fabric8 maven plugin


Bool (true)


Whether to show logs for generating resources using fabric8 maven plugin




Comma-separated list of profiles which you want to activate while generating resources



Comma-separated key value pair to use for maven build


  • Make sure you have fabric8-maven-plugin dependency in plugin section.

  • If you have multiple profiles defined in your pom.xml, you can enable profile in which you have fabric8-maven-plugin dependency by using cube.fmp.profiles in arquillian.xml.

22. JBoss Forge Arquillian Addon

Forge Arquillian Addon offers an integration with Arquillian Cube.

22.1. How to use it?

  • Install JBoss-Forge from here.

  • Install arquillian add-on. To install arquillian-addon, in the Forge CLI, run command: addon-install-from-git --url --coordinate org.arquillian.forge:arquillian-addon

Create project using:

project-new --named compose

To add Arquillian & Framework dependencies run command:

arquillian-setup --standalone --test-framework junit

To add Arquillian Cube dependencies run command:

arquillian-cube-setup --type docker-compose --file-path docker-compose.yml

Before running above command make sure that file provided with file-path is exists.

Now create a test using command:

arquillian-create-test --named MyDockerComposeTest --target-package org.arquillian.cube

After that you can enrich a given Arquillian test with respective annotations depending on selected type:

arquillian-cube-create-test --test-class org.cube.docker.MyDockerComposeTest

Same way you can create a test for Kubernetes, Docker,Openshift.

See above example in next terminal cast:


23. Future work

Some configuration parameters will be modified to fix any possible requirements. Although we are going to try to not break compatibility with previous versions, we cannot guarantee until beta stage.

Feel free to use it and any missing feature, bug or anything you see , feel free to add a new issue.